Tuesday, October 18, 2011

18 October 2011...We are back in Tucson!

Another great day just being together!!
We arrived home safely on September 27 at 1030 PM.. what a beautiful sunset we saw as we headed to Tucson...one of many we saw on our fantastic 4 month adventure.  As we drove down Interstate 10..we talked about the many blessings we had on our travels seeing the most amazing country and
 re-connecting with our amazing family and friends....but also how lucky we were to be looking forward to seeing our Tucson Family!  AND We realize how blessed we are to have each of you in our life.  Thank you all again for opening your home and hearts to us as we were able to spend prescious moments with you and make wonder-filled memories.
We arrived in Spring, Texas on Friday and checked out the shops etc in Old Town, Spring, TX.  We found a place called Rudy's BBQ and had a great dinner before we checked into our hotel.  We woke the next morning so excited to be going to Fred and Belinda's to spend the weekend with them and we were not disappointed.  We showed up on their door step at their beautiful home and were greeted by Fred, Belinda and Chelsea (their dog) it was like we just saw them the week before...not 36 years ago!  Fred cooked us a delicious brunch and we spent the afternoon getting caught up and then Michael ( their son) joined us and helped his dad with BBQ of the best Salmon....we talked into the night.  We awoke Sunday and attended Mass and then went to The Cheesecake Factory for breakfast...Tom and I had never been to the Cheesecake Factory....of course we also had to have cheesecake!!!  After spending the afternoon just being together, Fred and Belinda took us to the Aquarium Resturant in Houston for dinner.   Amazing to eat dinner in the middle of massive fish tanks and scenery!   We left on Monday early morning...with plans to have them come to Tucson for a visit soon.
We deceided to drive to Altus, Oklahoma to see our friend Bob Carnes before we headed for Tucson.  As we drove thru Texas, we were so sad to see the trees and the farmlands and ranch fields dry and brown with miles and miles of dead trees and fields.  They are still having a draught.  We did see a sign for a Rudy's BBQ and deceided to stop to eat ....once again we had a great meal of BBQ.   We deceided we would look for Rudy's again!!!
We arrived at Altus and checked into another very nice billet on Altus Air Force Base.  It had been 40 years since we had seen  Bob Carnes, our friend, from our days at Francis E. Warren AFB in Cheyenne Wyoming...but when he walked in, seemed like only weeks.  He took us to a great Mexican Resturant in Altus and showed us around the town.  Altus is STILL a very small town.   Tom got up early and went and met Bob at work and had coffee....while Maryann slept in abit.  What fun we had catching up...and have plans for Bob to come to Arizona for a visit.  I think we have helped the economy of Tucson, as we have plans for several friends to come to Tucson now that they have a room at our home.
We left Altus and were soon back in Arizona...and we did find another Rudy's  and stopped to have lunch....the service and food were just like our first visit in Spring, Texas!  We highly recommend if you see one on your travels.
What fun it was to surprise Molly, Samantha and Kirsten..and give lots of hugs....nothing like hearing all their stories and holding them in our arms!!!  Yes, they all did change in the 4 months...we don't realize they are changing day to day as we see them at least once or twice each week when we are home...  Molly has gotten taller and more grown...Samantha did not grow but her speach is more like a 5 year old....and so percise!  Kirsten was talking in short sentences when we left...now she talks in paragraphs and is taller.  It was also good to see Kelly and Bryan and Carrie and Buddi....Buddi looked great...hard to believe that he had been sick.  And Pete and Linda , had a great dinner the Sunday we arrived home and we were able to catch up with them and Phil and Loly too.
As Tom was unloading the car on Wednesday, Gerry stopped by...as he and Teresa were taking care of our yard while we were gone....he was just in time to help Tom unload and take down the carrier down from the car...what a great friend.   Since then we have seen Hilda and girls and Carol.
It took us a couple days to get unpacked and do laundry....we now know we can travel with half the "stuff " we took on this trip!  We then started right in and did our fall home cleaning which we finished last week. We kept Buddi and Gizmo (Ali and Paul's dog) for a long weekend while Carrie, Paul and Ali and Rocco ( 2 months old and what a cutie) went to Las Vegas to a friend's wedding.  We are also back into volunteering at church and helping out neighbors...so are back to normal.  OH and Maryann has commented several times , "wow , it is so nice to be retired and not have a schedule".  Tom is happy to have her home too.  We are both back to daily exercise...and Tom already back on his diet and lost 7 pounds!!!
We have traveled over 17,000 miles and spent time with about 170 friends and family during this adventure. Each day we began our day with the Lord's Prayer and prayer of St. Francis of Assisi and to Blessed Martyr Basyl ( Canada's Second Martyr who's shrine we visited in Winnipeg, Manatoba and heard his history and were given a part of his relic to carry with us) and our Gardian Angel to please protect us and those who rode with us and all who passed us by with  careful hands and watchful eyes....and WE WERE BLESSED on the road and made to feel like we were at home as we visited with each of you...SO WHAT WAS THE BEST PART OF OUR TRIP?......each day we spent together and with family and friends across Canada and the many states we traveled!  And now we are blessed to be home with our Tucson Family.
We are looking forward to family time and the holidays in Tucson. We then will take some trips with Maryann's sister and Tom who are to come for a visit for a few months in January.
We ask you all to keep us all in your prayers as we remember Maryann's Sister Carol who was taken from us so suddenly.. during the 1st Anniversary of her death.   We all miss her terribly but have so many "laugh out loud" memories of  our "Carol" who we long to hear laugh..... just one more time.  She is with us daily and we know we will be with her in heaven when it is our time.
We will continue to update our blog...with pictures too....notice the pictures that we could not add when writing from our IPAD...Maryann even figured out how to do on her own...but was very close to calling George to get his guidance...so thank you George for just being a call away ...just in case...it gave her courage to try!!!
See  below....how the girls welcomed Granddad back....just another day of play with Molly, Samantha and Kirsten!

 It was so nice to get hugs as we traveled....they were given for no other reason than  we care for each other..what a good feeling.  Will leave you with a hug from our heart to yours..simply because you each mean so much to us.  We will keep you in our prayers and just let us know when you want to come to visit...
God Bless your days.
Tom and Maryann