Saturday, May 30, 2015

On the Road 2015

We left Tucson on 22 May 2015 heading North and then East..  We are so happy and blessed to be traveling with Kelly, Molly, Samantha and Kirsten.  Makes the drive so much more interesting than when just Tom and I.    Have learned a few new CAR games to play. Kelly planned ahead and gave them sheets to complete as we go through a Geography lesson!   One of Kirsten's pages is to find certain kinds of trucks....and they all have sheets to find different license plates.  We even saw a Hawaii license plate!!   Spent our first night in Albuquerque, New Mexico at Kirkland AFB.
Just outside of Cheyenne, we stopped and there was some snow on the ground so the girls made snowballs and threw them at Granddad when he came out of the store!!  Then headed to Cheyenne, Wyoming where we stayed at F.E Warren AFB. Our TLF there was one floor above the room Maryann stayed in her first night on base when she was assigned there as a 2nd Lt! What a coincidenc.  The girls just loved seeing all the Antelope roam about all over the base.  They each took turns trying to walk up to them to pet them.....but the antelope moved away...good try girls!!  We also had a wonderful visit with John and Judy.  We had been friends with Judy when we were at Cheyenne and have been blessed to have kept in touch and also to now know her John.  Had a wonderful Turkey dinner with appropriate as were so Thankful to spend time with them.
Juday had the girls find feathers outside and then showed them how to make Watercolor Roosters using the feathers and watercolors.   They also made other pictures with the water colors.   While they were in her art and craft area, Judy made Tom and John some wonderful Margaritas and we caught up on our life adventures.   We also took the kids to the park to play and to see "Big Boy" train engine after we walked downtown.   Kelly enjoyed seeing our old home on Sergeant's Row and reminising about the times she remembered when we lived there from 1980-1984...and of course Tom and I love going back to F.E WARREN AFB  as that is where we met.   Since we were talking about Devil's Tower when at Judy and John's, we decided to stop there on our way to Mt. Rushmore.   Devil's Tower is in Northern Wyoming and is the first declared US National Monument established in 1906 by President Theodore Roosevelt.  According to the Indian Tribes some girls went out to play and spotted a giant bear and climbed atop a rock, fell to their knees and prayed to the Great Spirit to save them.  The Great Spirit made the rock rise form the ground to the heavens so that the bears could not reach the girls.  The bears in and effort to reach the girls, left deep claw marks in the sides, which made the rock too steep to climb ...and those are the marks that apear on the side today.  The girls reached the sky and were turned into the star constellation the PLEIADES...  There are several legends...I kind of like this one!!   It started to really rain so were only able to spend about an hour there.   The girls did start their Junior Ranger Badge paperwork for the park there.
As we headed to Rapid City, South Dakota, saw lots of cows and their calfs and more Antelope and deer.   IT rained nearly all the way to Rapid City.    We stayed at Ellsworth AFB in a lovely TLF.
The next day we went to the Dinosaur Park and then headed to Custer State Park.   The girls were amazed with the Buffalo...must have seen over 100 and even saw some baby Buffalo's.  They came right up to the Car.   We saw some deer and also wild burrors.  The girls were able to walk up to them and a couple even wanted to snuggle with them.   The day was just beautiful ...sun shinning and warm.   Just as we headed to Mt. Rushmore, the rains came...but we while we were in the building helping the girls with their Junior Ranger Badge paperwork, the rain subsided so were able to walk about.  Amazing sculpture...  We also saw Crazy Horse Memorial from afar.   It was started in 1948 and is still not completed.   The Indian Nation still trying to raise money to finish  as is a non-profit.
The next day we headed to Chicago...stopping on the way at Laura Ingals Wilder Home.  The girls were able to ride in and drive a horse drawn covered wagon, wash clothes in a bucket with a wooden ringer,  See how they used fat  from animals for soap for washing clothers, ride a horse, attend a class in the old school house.   Samantha even put on a prairie dress and bonnet while in the class.    They were able to see the first cave like homes of the settlers  and then the wooden structure homes. They made ropes and corn cob dolls too.  Samantha drove a one horse buggy too.   We had a lovely sunny afternoon at De Smeth, South Dakota where the settlement was.
Arrived at the Great Lakes Naval Lodge  yesterday late afternoon.  Today Tom, Kelly and girls are in Chicago.  They took the train into the city and will spend the day there.
What  a special time it has been to just spend this time with them making memories.  The girls take turns riding with their Mom and with Granddad.  I ride with Kelly at times and then switch over and ride with Tom too. Kelly and Tom do the driving but I have driven for a couple hours at a time.  The girls watch Movies, read, play games with each other etc.  AND Kirsten still does like to talk...especially when I am sitting in the seat right next to her.  When I tell her that "Nana is resting her ears", she just pauses...   We are so blessed to be making these blessings with our wonderful girls..and Kelly.
They had a wonderful day in Chicago at the Navy Pier, Millennium park , taking a water taxi etc.
Today we went to the Jelly Belly Distribution Center and took a tour and of course, ate several Jelly Belly Candies.  We then went to the Graue Museum and Mill.   The girls ground corn like they used to in the early 1900's.
We think that the rain is following us or we are bring the rain with us.
Tomorrow we will head to Linesville, PA and spend time with Joan and Tom and then on to Karthaus, Pa.
I have to have my phone synced so I can send hope to do soon.  Thank you George for helping me with issues with my blog!!

~We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.~
Sending our love and hugs,
God Bless you and we are keeping you all in prayer.
Tom and Maryann