Monday, June 19, 2017

18 June 2017.

18 June 2017
We are now on our last day of travels as we are just leaving Ohio and next stop will be State College, Pennsylvania where we will be so happy to see Maryann's sister's family. We arrived in Gallup, New Mexico on the 8th of June. After we had a great Mexican meal at Jerry's with such friendly staff, we walked through the El Rancho Hotel where the stars of the 50's and 60's always stayed ...John Wayne, Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Micki Rooney, etc.
On our way to  Durango on the 9th we stopped at Mesa Verde National Park for the afternoon.  It is also a national Heritage site. Has some amazing cliff dwellings. And is the largest archeological preserve in the United States.  The cliff dwellings are thought to be the largest in North America.  We stopped several times to take pictures of the scenery but the pictures could not do justice of the beauty.   We did some walking and stopped for a leisurely lunch overlooking the area.  We saw a large black dog in a car parked near us at the visitor center and the windows were closed and he was really we notified the park ranger who was going right over to the car to check on him.  Later saw the car pass us by with the dog so must have been OK.    We then went on to Durango where we walked about the town and had a nice dinner.  OF course it must have been the day to find dogs left in cars we got out of our car in town, there were dogs baking constantly that once again were in a car with all windows closed and the way they were barking felt that they were in we found a police officer very close to us and reported again.   He left immediately to check the dogs. Tom and I walked on as knew he would take care of the dogs.    Amazing how anyone can let their dogs in cars...especially when hot weather.   I guess it was our mission for the day to save the dogs!!   Could not believe that others were just walking by.....
The next morning we left for Gunnison, Colorado.   We traveled all the back roads and went through the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park in late afternoon.   Beautiful area and just short walks or right next to the road were amazing areas to look into the canyon.  Took us a couple of hours.   We also met a retired AF couple that we stopped and chatted with for about an hour.   
We were remarking how we only saw 2 snakes, an odd red furry small bug and a rabbit in the park....when just as we were leaving there two beautiful black cows right on the road as we were leaving the park that were nice enough to pose for a picture.   It is open range outside the park!    It was nearly sunset as we drove toward Gunnison.  We were given such a gift by seeing lots of Elk, Deer, Antelope around nearly every bend in the road.  There were several herds of them....and a couple deer even stopped and posed for us too that were close to the road.   As we drove into Gunnison saw the beautiful Curecnti National Recreation Area.  The water was so blue.  ..of course next to the Blue Mesa Reservation.    It is so nice to just take our time and not be in a rush.
We were in Gunnison for two nights so the next morning decided to walk about the town and then go to Crested Butte...such a neat little town.  Spent time walking around and also took the town bus...which is free...up to the ski and recreation area where we sat for  an hour or so and had a nice lunch and did some people watching.   On our way out we drove about 10 miles on dirt road to see part of the area that is to be the largest birch tree area in the United States.   Met the friendliest people at the tourist office in Crested Butte.  Of course when we came out of the mountains, Tom took the car to the self use car wash as the car and carrier were covered with bugs...looked like had fur on the car.
Oh, I forgot to mention Highway 50 that we drove from Silverton, Colorado to Montrose, Colorado..   Mostly hairpin curves and amazing waterfalls.   And mostly no guard rails ...frequently around the curves.   Silverton was a fun town to walk through too.  As we were walking around Silverton, there was a couple taking pictures of each other so we stopped to ask if they wanted us to take a picture of them together. So we did!  Then we stood on the street and talked with them and found out they were from Slovakia here on vacation.  We had been to Slovakia last year on our travels. By the time we left them felt like we had just met some friends and they gave us hugs!! We have learned from our travels , to take the time to talk to the people we sit next to in restaurants and people on the streets.  The encounters we have with "strangers" have enriched our days and hopefully let them know that they are not just someone walking in the street but are welcome to our beautiful USA. When you see a couple taking a picture of a person trying to take a "selfie" of themselves, take the time to ask them if they want you to take a picture of them or the group...sometimes you get a cautious look before they hand over their camera  and are so thankful to have a picture of the two of them or the group together and are so appreciative.  Really makes for "feel good" moments!!!
Our next stop was Colorado Springs, Colorado.   We checked into our rooms at Peterson AFB and then headed up to Denver to our friends, Pat and George Cannode..and  were so glad we were able to go and watch their two grandson's practice for their baseball team and see their son, Chris and his wife Amy.  Then we spent two days just hanging out together.  We started talking about our plans for our next adventure in 2018 which is to go to Germany and take the Long Boat Cruise from Amsterdam, Holland to  Basel, Switzerland.  Then decided to check on some cruise lines etc.  4-5 hours later, we had reservations for May of next year.  Then we contacted our family friends who had expressed an interest in traveling with now there are 7 couples heading to Amsterdam next year. As always when we are all many laughs.   
Tom and I said our farewells to the Cannode's and headed toward Ohio.   We hit some bad weather going through Kansas.  We decided to stay in  Manhattan, Kansas For the night.
The next day on to Scott Air Force Base for the night.    God has blessed us with safe travels.    Last night we spent the night at Wright Patterson Air Force Base.  We had a nice lunch with Angie and Greg Eberhart , a pediatrician that we worked with in Tucson at Davis-Monthan.  It is always so nice to see them and catch up.    Then this morning we spent time with Connie Dunnington.   We were stationed with Connie and Bob in Japan in 1971.  It always so nice to see our Air Force Family and it always seems like no time has passed since the last time we saw each other if it was last year or 44 years!!
Tomorrow morning we will get up and go to my sister, Joan and Tom's in State College, Pa.  It is only about a four hour drive and then we will be at home with them for several weeks.  Carrie and Emme will come and spend a week with us too. Rosanne, my god-daughter and her husband always have the best 4th of July party that we have come to look forward to in the past years..
Until our next blog...we will keep you all in our prayers 
God Bless,
Tom and Maryann

"One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things"--Henry Miller

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Thursday, June 8, 2017

June 8, 2017. On the Road Again

8 June 2017...on the road again
We spent two weeks traveling with Kelly and her girls to Houston, Texas.  We took Kelly's van but Tom did most of the driving.  The girls school was out at 1130 and we were headed to White Sands, New Mexico by 12 Noon.   Had fun on the dunes at White Sands.   Such nice white fine sand.  The girls got a saucer sled and had fun sliding the hills of white sand.  Saw some pretty plants and flowers too.   After playing on the Sand we drove to Fort Stockton, Texas for the night before we drove on to San Antonio.  The humidity was something the girls had not experienced!!  We went to the Alamo and on the River Cruse.  Kelly , Tom and the girls also went to see "Pirates of the Caribbean" as first weekend that was in the theaters. We also spent time at the pool.  The next day we went to Waco to "Magnolia".  Samantha wanted to go as she watches the show "FIxer Upper" .  And Magnolia was opened by Chip and Joanna, stars of the show.
Neat store and grain silos and we also spent time sitting in their nice open area with about 10 food trucks to get lunch.   They had a great variety of foods so everyone could get what they wanted.  While we were eating,  we had a "bird poop" incident.  Just missed Molly but she did get a little on her clothes had some drama!  At least made another memory!!   Spent the rest of the day at the hotel pool playing games in the pool with Granddad.  The next morning we drove to Houston and were welcomed with hugs by Fred and Belinda Martinez.  ( we had met them when we lived in Austin).   Tom, Kelly, Molly, Kirsten and Samantha spent the next day at Houston Space Center...even had a fun experience in a flight simulator. I had a very nice relaxing day at home with Belinda...catching up.    We had one day of just hanging out and the girls had another day to spend in the pool.  We left on Friday after Fred made us all "the best pancakes" and went back to the Space Center where Kelly, Molly and Samantha went and had "Lunch with an Astronaut." (Bryan Duffy).   They said he was very personable and really enjoyed the experience.   Molly was even picked to demonstrate some of the equipment that the astronauts use in outer space.   Molly has said she wants to be an Astronaut since she was about 4 years such a treat with her.   SHE still wants to be an Astronaut!!   Tom, Kirsten and I hung out and went to lunch while they were at the space Center.  We then headed to San Antonio where we were going to spend the night.  Had some really bad rains on our way there.   Mark and Judy came to our hotel to spend a few hours with us.   We had met Mark in Japan in 1972 as he was an Air Force Medic...
Even though it had been 45 years it was yesterday.   We had not met his wife Judy but felt we knew her too.  Talked about so many of the best parts of our travel is when we can re-connect with our friends.  We plan to see them again...not 45 years from now!!      We left the next morning and spent the night in El Paso before we arrived back in Tucson on June 4th.  What fun it is traveling with the girls and many conversations , play car games and just be together.
Emme, Molly, Samantha and Kirsten came over on Monday and spent the night.   We spent most of the time playing cards, dice and Monopoly.    It was difficult saying good bye to OUR Molly, Samantha and Kirsten on Tuesday afternoon as last time we will be seeing them for awhile as we headed out on our summer adventure on 8th.   They are moving to Florida in July.   Bryan has accepted a position with Grumman-NASA in Melbourne.  Yes..Nana had lots of tears.   We will see them again in August on our way back to Tucson.  We watched Emme yesterday evening as Carrie had a gave her lots of hugs before she left last evening.   We will see Emme and Carrie in Pennsylvania in a couple weeks as they will fly in to see family for a week.
Yesterday we were busy getting the house ready for us to be gone, running errands and packing etc.   We decided to get up at 0700 and get "on the road" by 0800. However slept in until 0800.  Tom packed the car etc. and left the house at 1030!   Another great advantage of being retired....can take our time.   We decided to take the road through the White Mountains and has been a beautiful drive. Saw some interesting plants and turned out to be Thistles ..which I had not seen in years...of course we stopped for pictures! Tonight we are in Gallup, New Mexico. Found the best hole in the wall Mexican Restaurant soapies ever.   It was nice to just BE in the car today driving through some beautiful scenery after the last hectic days and just taking our time, talking and just being together.
We love our travels but is also difficult to leave our Tucson Family.  What blessing we have with all our extended family.  
By the way it only took me 9 months to finish our book of memories from our Europe Trip last year.    I finished it the night before we left with Kelly and girls.   111 pages and over 700 pictures!   Was so fun having it to review when we arrived home from our 2 weeks with the girls.

Quote of the day....
~Someday, everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.~
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