Thursday, July 19, 2012

Lancaster 19 July 2012

Good Morning, Tom and I came up to Philipsburg so could check email and finally update our blog. We left Lancaster on 13 July after spending great days with Peggy and Larry and family. While in Lancaster, we visited Maryann's Aunt Annie and also traveled to Harrisburg and spent time with Aunt Ethel and Aunt Fran. We had wanted to take them out but Aunt Ethel always has wonderful food for us so we had lunch and visited for the afternoon. It is always fun to catch up with them all. While in Lancaster we got to visit with Larry's Dad who is in assisted living and always enjoy our time with him. He makes us smile. We also visited with Larry's Aunt and Uncle who had visited us in Tucson several years ago. They now live in a lovely assisted living. It was so special to visit with them for a few hours and of course then we stopped for ice cream on our way home. We also went to Northeast, Maryland. It is a neat town and we walked about and then had lunch at Woody's which is a great seafood resturant. No one was hungry when we left however, we still HAD to stop and have ice cream on the way home. Peggy and Larry's friend, Kay and Paul live there so finally got to meet them. They warmly welcomed us into their home...and we spent a couple hours visiting. During our stay, Peggy's Aunt Doris and Uncle Jim had us over for dessert...well what a table she sets! As always, we had a wonderful evening visiting and eating. Uncle Jim makes his own tea and it is great. They have the neatest clock so Tom and I will plan to check on getting one when we get back to Tucson as a store in Tucson sells them. It is a Rhythm Clock. What special days we had spending with Parker, Elizabeth and Brandon (Keith and Lisa's kids at Peggy's as she cared for them during the day. It was such a delight to play games and just spend time with them. Of course, they enjoyed using our IPAD's too. We played Candyland and Garbage. We also went to Keith's for dinner and Amy and Dan and kids were there so got to spend time with them. There is a creek that runs on Keith's property so was fun to go down and see the kids swim in the creek...and Lisa too. Amy and Dan and Keith and Lisa have such great kids. Amy and Dan have 6 children! We also shared time on July 4th with Dan's Parents and kids at the Lititz fireworks. We then met Amy (who had to work) after for coffer at McDonalds...the only place open..and spent time hearing about her days as Hospice Nurse. We also were treated daily to Peggy's wonderful breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Had great fresh vegetables and fruits. We were able to reconnect with their Sunday School Class as we joined them for breakfast one morning. They are always so quick to welcome us and make us feel like we are part of their group. WE ARE BLESSED! We went to the Corn Wagon a couple time to get fresh corn just in from the field. Also Tom, Peggy and Maryann spent a day doing some shopping at some Amish stores. We found some items that just had to buy to take back to Tucson. Larry was working but we spent the evenings and weekends together. We even played dice! On 4th of July, Larry went into work for a few hours so Peggy deceided to take care of her cleaning chores as she cleans at Filmore Container for her son Keith. Tom and I helped Peggy clean while Larry finished up what he needed to do in the Warehouse. What a treat to be able to help out...even though, we had to really force Peggy to let us help. Keith and Lisa are owners at Filmore Container and really have a nice famiy business. Peggy and Larry and even Brendon (9 yr old) are on the payroll!! Of course Parker and Elizabeth help out too. How proud we are to be able to be part of Peggy and Larry's and Keith and Lisa and Amy and Dan's family. Tom even got to mow Larry's yard!! When we first got to Lancaster, Maryann was having upper right back pain that radiated from the front to back so went to the ER and was DX with Shingles! She had had the Shingles Vaccine 2 years ago. Thank heaven as helped not have worse symptoms. She had several side effects from the medication so spent a few days not feeling like herself. Once Maryann stopped the medication, had more energy and started gaining back the pounds she lost and she started feeling better. Still has the annoying discomfort but much better. At least she felt like she was home at Peggy's so could rest when needed. SO MARYANN DOES RECOMMEND that if you are 50 and have not had the Shingles vaccine....Go and request it from your provider! We have been at Maryann's Mom's now for nearly a week. Mom is doing good. We are doing some stuff around the house for her and even thought Mom says that she does not have an appetite...she surely eats! Tom has been spending time with Kenny in the evenings as he is still the 7-5 caregiver 24/7 for his Mom. Maryann's sister Joan and her Tom and his brother, Bill came in from Linesville, Pa last evening and we had dinner. Tom will go with them all to the 100 Mile Garage Sale tomorrow. Maryann deceided she did not want to go! This weekend is the Frenchville Picnic..the church picnic.. so will go. Have not been since Maryann was a teenager. Maryann is going to try to help out in one of the booths with her cousin, Becky. Maryann has spent time going up to her sister Carol's Bench since we have been home. Weather had been sooo hot. First thing we did when we got home is put the window fans in the bedroom windows upstairs and turn on all the fans downstairs!!! We also put a window a/c unit in the living room!!!! We have SKYPED with the grand girls and made sure we SKYPED with Molly on her 8th birthday on the 17th July. Kirsten still asking Nana when she is coming home and where she is! They started school on Monday. Kirsten started Preschool and Kelly said that when she gets to school, she has to go to the BR and wash her hands and then goes to play with her friends....does not mind that her MAMA is leaving her! BUT she is glad to see Kelly when she comes to pick her up. Samantha is in 1st grade and Molly in 3rd grade this year. Spoke with Carrie last week too and she still has her A average in her classes for her Masters!!! We have been getting many pictures of Patrick Joseph...Phil and Loly's baby that was born on 9 July. What a cutie. He has been keeping his Mom and Dad awake! We will be so excited to see him and give him lots of hugs when we get home. Quote for the day "No matter where you go, there you are"-Unknown We are blessed to have safe travels and wonderful welcomes from friends and family whether "on the road" or when we are home. We love you all and are keeping you all in our daily prayers. Keep us in your prayers! God Bless and hugs, Tom and Maryann

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