Wednesday, August 29, 2012

IOWA 29 August 2012

Hi from Waterloo, Iowa.
I know it has been over a month since last blogged.  Let me see if I can catch up tonight.
We were at my Mom's for 5 weeks in Karthaus, PA.  My Mom is 89 years old and lives on her own with help from family.  When we got home it was HOT and Mom does not have AC so the first thing we did was put the window fans in the windows up stairs and then put the window air conditioner
(that Roseann, Joan's daughter had given us last year) in the window in the living room.  What a difference!  Mom gets cold so she was doing just great in the "hot house".   We were able to take Mom to her doctor appointments and help her around the house.  She was told by her doctors that she is doing just great for being 89.  We took her riding to visit the graves of our family members and to visit a historical museum she had wanted to see since it opened in her hometown of Clarence, Pa. about 15 miles from Karthaus and of course for ice cream.  We were able to see Maryann's cousins and share time playing  "DICE " with Ronnie and Judy and going out for an afternoon of boating at the Bald Eagle State Park Dam with Becky and Rob and their boys.  We spent a couple days in State College with Maryann's sister Joan and her Tom while they were house sitting for Roseann and Jeff and family while they were at the beach.  We also were able to spend time with Roseann and family before they left.  Joan, Tom and Tom and Maryann traveled to Raystown Lake area for the day and of course spent the evenings playing card and Dice games.  The 148th Frenchville Church Picnic was held while we were home.  Cousin Becky and Maryann volunteered to work in the funnel cake booth in honor of Carol (Maryann's sister who died) and had such a fun time...Maryann and Tom even went back up on Sunday and worked!!  Tom was an expert at making the funnel cakes!   We also saw family and friends at the picnic.  Maryann's Aunt Ethel and her girls from Harrisburg came for the picnic too.  We ran into Joan's son Adam and his family there too.  We bought $6.00 worth of 50/50 chances while we were talking to friends at the booth.  WELL, Monday morning Maryann got a call that she won $785.00!   That was a nice surprise.  Maryann was able to spend more time with her friend, Janet while we were home too.  Janet took us and Mom out to eat at a very good italian resturant too.  Janet and Maryann also ran into a highschool friend and stood in CVS for about an hour catching up.  They also met their friend Rosemary for lunch one day too.  They are planning a mini class reunion for the next time we are in town.  We went up to the Clearfield Fair with Janet for a few hours to walk around and eat lunch too.  We played DICE or Garbage card game with Mom everynight.  Mom won everynight but 2!!!!  It was so good to spend time with Kenny.  We even got him to take a couple days off.  He has been caring for his Mom everyday for 8 hours since December 2011 as she has been sick and he and his brothers care for her 24/7.   Julie , Kenny and us went to Horseshoe Curve for the day and had a nice dinner.  Julie and Mom and us went to Brookville  shopping and to lunch in Dubois one Saturday.  We had a great day.  Tom and Kenny spent each evening together.  Kenny would stop and pick up Tom after being at his Mom's and they would go out to camp and have a few beers etc.  Tom also helped Kenny mow the yards etc.  One evening Stephen took the kayaks out to the camp pond and Kenny and Tom tried them out.  Tom tipped his and nearly got all wet!  They saw lots of deer, elk and bear on their evenings out. We also got to spend time with Stephen and his family at his daughter, Mae's 12th birthday party.  Tom felt good as he won the game of horseshoes and frisbee.  BUT he lost the badmitten game.  We enjoyed having a bonfire with them in the evening.  Of course Tom and Stephen spent the evening joking around with each other!  We had the family over on 3 August for a birthday supper for Maryann.  Maryann's Aunt Liz and her son Paul and daughter Vicki were able to come.  Also Joan's son Adam and Reese and Alexia, Denny(Julie's husband) and Joan and Tom were also able to come.   Julie and Denny came down to the house and made us breakfast one morning too.   Julie and Maryann went up to Carol's Bench at her gravesite one evening to put new flowers up and Tom and Kenny saw us there so stopped.  We stayed up there nearly 2 hours, just talking and remembering.  Kenny said "who would have thought that we would feel so good and comfortable sitting and talking at the cemetery...guess Carol gave us that comfort too".  She did!  It is still difficult when we get close to home as I remember that she is not physically there and will not hear her laugh but that is OK as  I have her always in my heart.  Julie and I also went and picked blueberries one evening.  It is always so good to spend time with Julie.  We played cards with Julie, Denny and Grace (Stephen's daughter).  We also got to see Chelsea and her boyfriend and Tyler too.  We brought Zoe (their dog) down to Mom's to spend a couple hours a few days while Kenny was keeping her while Julie and family were at the beach.  Some sad news, Zoe got sick while we were home and went into kidney failure on 26th of August.  Denny and Julie were with her at the ER when she died. Our prayers are with them during this sad time. 
Tom and I also went to Joan's camp one day and were able to spend time with Sara and her family and Adam and kids while they worked putting a porch on the camp.   Maryann's Aunt Liz was in the hospital and then was set up to get Meals on Wheels so Maryann was able to be their the first day to make sure all went smoothly.   We are so blessed to be able to be home and help out where we could.
We left home on 21 August and went to Linesville to spend time with Tom and Joan. While there we were able to see north west PA. We went to Lake Erie and spent the day walking around the area.  We also went to Kinzua Bridge which was the 8th wonder of the world before it was hit by a tornado in 2003 causing a large portion ot the bridge to collapse.   We also went to Volant, walk around. It has some neat little shops and found some great fudge.  Tom and Joan made us some great food. We played card and dice games. Their neighbor's dog , Shelby came over to visit everyday and provided entertainment as we sat outside. It is always nice to spend time with Joan and her Tom.
We left Linesville on 27th August and headed for Chicago.  We stayed at the Great Lakes Naval Lodge about an hour from Chicago.  We took the train down to Chicago and walked about the Navy Pier and took a water taxi to Michigan Avenue and walked around and had a nice late lunch at "The Purple Pig".  We also stopped by the American Girl store and picked up a couple books for the girls. We were able to master how to read the bus routes and take the bus too.  Tom's hips have been hurting him so that was a good thing.  Tom did go into TWO sporting goods stores on Michigan Avenue.   We stopped to get ice cream before we returned to the Navy Lodge!
Today we slept in and then left for Waterloo, Iowa.   It was sad to see all the brown corn fields.
We have had just perfect weather for our travels.  We arrived in Waterloo about 2:30 PM.  We just got back from having dinner with our friends.  We were stationed with Larry and Sheri in Japan in 1971-73.   Once again we were welcomed with open arms after all these years.  We visited with them at their beautiful home and then had a nice dinner together.  We also got to see "Sissy" she was just 2 when we met them.  They also have a son, Tom who was a work.  It was again so great to remember our times together.   We are blessed!
Tomorrow we will head to Omaha to have dinner with Mark and Linda. They were stationed with us in Tucson.
We SKYPED with the girls last weekend.   Sure will be good to give them hugs.
Carrie had returned from her 3 weeks TDY in Florida and Buddi is happy. He spent the time with Kelly..we hear that he was Kirsten's shadow.
We will have lunch with friends in Columbus, Nebraska on Friday and then head to Cheyenne, Wyoming for a couple days before we head for Denver.  Will be spending a couple days with Pat and George before we head for Tucson.  We should be home the 8th or 9th of September.
We are blessed to have safe travels and such wonderful family and friends.
We have been keeping you all in our daily prayers.  Thanks you for keeping us in your prayers
Love and hugs,
Tom and Maryann

"A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles."--Tim Cahill

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