Thursday, June 12, 2014

11 June 2014 Fourth Cliff Recreation Area- Marshfield, Massachusetts

11 June 2014
Good Morning.
I am sitting here looking out over the Atlantic Ocean with a beautiful blue sky and the Atlantic looks like calm waters today.   Tom, Pete, Pat and George have gone golfing in Plymouth, Ma this morning...and what a day to be on the golf course!!
I am not sure where the days have gone since last posted the 26 of May but think the reason may be that have just been busy making new memories!
We left Groton, Conn  on 27 May and spent the night in Newport Rhode Island at the Navy Lodge...what a lovely little town. Then we drove the coast road most of the way to Pete and Linda's in Mashpee on Cape Cod.   OF course we had to stop at Lindsey's for lunch on our way.   Lindsey's is our favorite seafood restaurant.   Tom had his favorite Clam Chowder and I had the wonderful Corn Chowder with the best bread!!  AND found that they will have their famous Strawberry Shortcake starting 1 June! We do plan more visits at Lindsey's before we leave the Cape!!
It was so nice to be with Pete and Linda again.   Their home in Mashpee is just so comfortable and has the feeling of being on the Cape!   They had made a great pot roast for dinner  and then we , of course had to play some Skipo and Dice!   We spent the next day shopping and preparing food to take with us on Friday when we caught the Ferry to Nantucket.  And we also make time to go for Ice Cream!!   We made Linda's wonderful spaghetti recipe too so could have on the island.
Friday Morning we went to Hyannis to meet George and Becky ( Linda's cousins) to take the Ferry to Nantucket.   All 6 or us had to "squeeze" into Pete's car as he drove the car onto the Ferry...felt like the "Keystone Cops" as we climbed out!   The Ferry ride was great, it took about 2.5 hours to cross as we were on the car ferry...did I mention I love taking the Ferry???   When we arrived in Nantucket, we again had to squeeze ourselves into the car.. of course George had to hold the cooler on his lap in the front and I had to sit on Tom's lap in the back ...did I mention we also had stuff on the floor in the back.....?  We ONLY had about 10 miles to drive to our cottage.  We did stop again for lunch  before we got to the cottage and it seemed I was getting more adapt to getting out of the back seat without falling out when the door opened!  Do I have to tell you how much we were laughing!!!   Our cottage on Nantucket was at the Coast Guard Station housing area in Siasconset on the east side of the island.   It was like being in the country.  How picture perfect the homes and the yards with such beautiful blooming flowers and the American Flag flown in so many of the yards. We were just about 10 minutes from the harbor and center of Nantucket town...depending on traffic.   Of course Pete and Linda knew the best local places to eat and we certainly were not disappointed with the food we consumed during our time on the Island.
We spent the weekend checking out the area, walking and just enjoying the company!  It was rather windy the first few days so Maryann (me) was wearing her 'Cuddle Duds" and Linda her hooded jacket!!   Tom cooked us wonderful breakfasts too.   It was great getting to know George and Becky too. Pete was the driver and got us safely where we wanted to go!   While we were walking in town, found a beautiful older Catholic Church so were able to attend Mass there on Saturday.   Sunday afternoon we bid farewell to Becky and George as they caught the fast ferry ( only takes an hour to get back to Hyannis on the fast ferry).
George and Pat Cannode arrived at Otis AFB in Buzzard's Bay on Saturday  in their RV and took the ferry to Nantucket on Monday.   We picked them up at the ferry.   We were so happy to see them as had not been together since last fall.   Pete, Tom, Pat and George were up early each morning to take a walk.   Linda and I  stayed home and kept the cottage secure...hmmm.   Pete took us around to all the "must see" attractions on the Island.  Oh, forgot to tell you , once we unpacked the car...had that 3rd seat in the back of the car so was less crowded.   I claimed that seat....of course several times, one could not use the words  "with grace" when watching me get out!!    It was good comedy...
We spent time walking all around the center of town...lots of cobble stone streets...seeing historic homes.  Visited the Whaling Museum, Lifeboat Museum, Nantucket Basket Museum, Firehose Museum and just every historical area on the map. We discovered that most of the Nantucket Woven Baskets are designed on Nantucket but made in Japan or China..and they are still expensive.   One has to look carefully to see this on the bottom of the basket.  Talked to some folks that live on Nantucket and they do not like this either.  Maybe should be named Nantucket China Baskets!!   We also drove most every road on the Island seeing and walking about really neat light houses...and beautiful beaches.   We were able to see the "crooked house" owned by  "Mr. Rogers" too.   We had good weather most of the week except for one day of rain...but as the saying goes  "into each life some rain must fall"....   We were all together so that was what mattered!!   Spent time playing cards, dice and of course watching the Boston Red Sock's play baseball....and of course LAUGHING!!    Tom spent a great deal of time making remarks about George (Cannode) and I spent the same amount of time defending my friend!! We have been friends 30+ years....
Everyone helped get meals ready and clean up etc....just like the family that we are.
Friday, we packed up and back to the Ferry we went.   Pat and George took the very earlier Ferry but Pete and Linda and Tom and I took a later Ferry.   It was a beautiful day on the water.   The four of us found a nice table to sit and play Uno on our way back to the mainland as we watched out the windows at the beautiful water and sky.   Did I mention how blessed we are?
Tom and I said farewell  to Pete and Linda on our return and headed to Fourth Cliff Recreation Area about an hour from Mashpee.   It is right on the coast of Massachutes.  We had a cottage rented here for a week so we could spend a week with George and Pat Cannode who had rented a RV site here for a week too.   WE are neighbors....they are just around the curve from us.   Our cottage is on a small hill overlooking the water.   The  view of the Atlantic Ocean is out our living room/kitchen windows and the scenic North River is our view  as we sit on our little porch out the back.   This AF recreation area is in a town called Marshfield.  We have been exploring the towns near us, laughing, eating Ice Cream most everyday, walking on the beaches, did I mention laughing? and checking out the local small towns for some meals.    We went to Hingham ( about an hour from here if lots of traffic) and caught the early morning ferry to Boston on Sunday.  The ocean was calm and the sky so blue and such a sunny day.  The Ferry ride was beautiful as we sat on the top and enjoyed seeing all the islands etc on our way to Boston.  We had a very friendly captain and crew and another passenger was very friendly and shared some places we needed to see with us.  We walked the Freedom Trail ( 2.5 miles) around Boston historic area.   First we stopped at Mike's Bakery on the North End and had the best Boston Cream Pie and Cannoli's.  We were not hungry for the rest of the day. It was a beautiful day in Boston.  We also took the harbor ferry from the Charleston Navy Yard back to Long Wharf.   We found out that if you are prior military, can ride for free.   Free is always good!!  As we ended our day at Boston Common's Park, we decided to take the metro back to the Wharf to catch our Ferry.   We checked the Map and then asked one of the Metro guys what was the best way to go....hmmm  he must of seen George's Denver Bronco Cap as we ended up what felt like a mile from where we were to catch the ferry....hmmmm     Tom had said we should take the Blue Line vs. the Silver Line....and he was right AGAIN ..but we did think that the Metro staff would know  better....can't be wearing that Bronco hat in Boston anymore, George!!  We just made it to our ferry as it docked so were on our way back to Hingham within minutes of arriving at the dock!!   Even though we were not "hungary"  ...we decided to eat at  Wahlberg"s on the wharf at Hingham (owned by Donnie/Mark Wahlberg's brothers).  We were able to sit outside as was still beautiful weather.  Of course much of the day was spent smiling and laughing so much that at times was difficult to talk!!
We have been able to see some beautiful sunsets and sunrises here at Fourth Cliff.   Tom, Pat and George are getting up early each morning and walking.   I am staying behind to make sure all is secure while they are gone.....NOT REALLY....sleeping here has been so good!!
Monday we went to Hull Island.  I had talked to a girl on the ferry and she suggested going there to breakfast at "Toast" as to be a great place.   Did you know that most restaurants in this area are closed on Monday's...well , they are!  We did find another place that was open for breakfast, but we plan on going back tomorrow to check out the breakfast at "Toast".  We then walked about the beach called "Long Beach".    Had some beautiful colorful rocks and shells that we were able to collect to take with us.   Tom was even collecting some for my sister!!   Hull is also the home of one of the oldest Merry-Go-Rounds in the U.S.   One of the guys working there was kind enough to open one of the doors so we could take pictures.   It was absolutely beautiful.   It does not open until this weekend.  So I guess we will have to return to Hull Island some time to ride it.
We have been taking turns cooking dinner with Pat and George.   Did I mention how much we are laughing?
Tuesday it rained all night and most of the day so we went out to do some errands.  We looked on Trip-advisor and found a place called "Wildflower Cafe" in Duxbury.   WOW, the best breakfast we have had and such a nice little cafe.   The waitress was just so nice too.   George had a pancake that took up his entire "dinner size" plate and then some.   It was so fluffy and light.  Tom and Pat had homemade blueberry, raspberry and banana bread french toast with carmel maple syrup...huge servings.   I had the best scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, fried cornbread and Boston bake beans.  The freshly made butter and homemade strawberry jelly was also just wonderful.    We left there thinking we would never be hungry again.   A few hours later as we walked on the waterfront of Plymouth...somehow forced ourselves to have a twist cone of ice cream!!
Once again, we vowed that would only have soup for dinner that evening when we met Pete, Linda, George, Becky, Ellen and Kenny for dinner at this great local sea food place in Marshfield. we had clam chowder and lobster rolls and wonderful homemade hot rolls at dinner with them...but in our defense....we did not eat anything before we went to bed last night.   After dinner we all came back to our cottage and spent some time together.   How blessed we are to be away form home in Tucson, and have such great friends (who ARE now family)  here to talk and laugh with....yes we laughed a lot!!
George also taught us a new card game called "13" yesterday afternoon!   Of course George won both games.  I guess the rules are that "the score keeper always wins"? Today we had a nice lunch overlooking the waterfront at a place just down the road called "Bridgewaye".  Decided to take some time this afternoon and play some cards...Skipo and ".  Once again, we spent lots of time laughing.  Tom and George made dinner for us before we took a walk along the  beach of the North River.   The tide was way out so were able to walk way out.  Of course we had to come home and eat some Ice Cream.
We will be here with Pat and George until Friday when we will once again go to Mashpee to spend a few days with Pete and Linda before we head to Lancaster PA to make memories with Peggy and Larry and family.     Oh, we will also have to go to Lindsey's and have their strawberry shortcake before we leave the Cape too!!
We thank God and Saint Christopher  everyday for our safe travels and all who travel with us or pass us by.
We keep you all in our daily prayer and send our love and hugs.

A hug is worth a thousand words.  A friend is worth more.   ~~

Here are some pictures form our travels

Sunrise out our front window at Fourth Cliff
Breakfast at Wildflower in Duxbury
Ready to board the car ferry to Nantucket..Pete,Linda, George, Becky, Tom and Maryann
Had to have a twist cone on the waterfront at Plymouth, Mass

Tom and Maryann in front of the Cottage on Nuntucket
Hyannis to Nantucket Ferry
Tom cooking for us all
Tom and Maryann taking a break on near the river at Fourth Cliff
Pat and George and Tom watching the sunset at our cottage at Fourth Cliff
Taking the ferry from Hingham to Boston for a day exploring Boston
Maryann at Long Beach in Hull, Mass

George, Pat and Tom checking the map in Boston Commons Park, Boston
Having ice cream....AGAIN in Marshfield
Checking our the beach in Nantucket

Sunrise form our cottage at Fourth Cliff

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