Tuesday, July 29, 2014

29 July 2014 KARTHAUS posted late

We have been here in Karthaus since 1 July. We spent our last day in Fourth Cliff with Pat and George on 12 June. We decided to go back to Hull, Mass and go to "Toast", a place that was recommended to us for Breakfast and also checked it out on TripAdvisor....once again we were not disappointed with the food and service at "Toast". We bid farewell to Pat and George and headed for Mashpee to spend a few more days with Pete and Linda. It was a rainy day for traveling but only about a hour or so drive. Of course, once again we were greeted with hugs in Mashpee. While in Mashpee, Tom and Pete spent a morning playing golf and Linda and I went to Mashpee Commons ( a shopping plaza) and walked about and sat on the benches. I do not like to drive in Massachutes because of all the round-a-bouts but managed to get Linda and I there and back safely. Of course we did go to Lindsey's for dinner and of course had lobster and Strawberry Shortcake! We also spent time exploring small villages on the cape..Yarmouth, Harwich, Chathan, Barnstable, Dennis to name a few. We had breakfast at Jack's one morning, another favorite place for the locals... Of course we had to stop for ice cream on nearly every day. We drove to Dartmouth area one day to a place where they made clay products using imprints from fresh flowers and had a tour of the small business. Were impressed with the beauty so had to purchase some for our home. We went to a small theater in Chatham and saw "Kiss Me Kate". It was a theater group from Ohio University that has been doing summer theater in Chatham for years. What a quaint little theater and what talented actors. Really enjoyed the evening...yes we had to stop in Chatham for ice cream before the performance, of course. We also ventured to Carolyn's Sakonett Vineyard in Little Compton, Rhode Island on one of our day trips with Pete and Linda and had a lovely lunch out in their little yard overlooking the orchards and the fields. The evening before we left, Ellen, Kenny, Becky and George (Linda's Cousins) came down to Mashpee to visit with us before we left. Always good to see them and so appreciate that they took time out of their busy week to came before we left. We also made time to play cards and dice in the evenings....always lots of laughing! We gave our good bye hugs to Pete and Linda on 19 July and headed to New Jersey where we spent the night at Earle Military base. Then we headed to Pennsylvania...stopped in Lancaster to give Peggy a hug as she had not been feeling well (she had not been feeling well but as of this post, is doing much better) before we headed to Carlisle, Pa. We stayed at Carlisle Barracks Military Base. What a nice historic base. Also found THE best Vietnamese Restaurant downtown. On Saturday, we went to the Starceski Family Reunion in Boiling Springs, PA...just about 5 miles from Carlisle Barracks. Phil and Loly and Patrick were hosting the reunion this year so was really nice seeing them as we had not seen them since March when we left Tucson. Patrick is getting to be such a big handsome boy! Also seeing all of Phil's family who we had not seen in a few years. Father Chuucks, who is a family friend and his parish is in New York said Mass outside under the tent in the late afternoon. Lots of good memories for us too. We left the Starceski Family late in the afternoon and headed to Bellefonte where we spent a couple nights with Joan and Tom (who were house sitting for their daughter Sara). Of course we played some cards...our new favorite game is SWIPE and can get rowdy!! We also visited some neat state parks in the area. We arrived back at Mom's in Karhaus on 23 June. We spent the week taking Mom to doctor appointments, mowing the yard and of course Kenny and Tom spent their time together mowing several yards for family... Maryann spent some time catching up with her friends. We spent the 4th of July at Joan's daughter and son in law's in State College, PA. Had a great day and got to see all of Joan's kids and their family plus Jeff's Mom and Dad. We sat in their drive way where Jeff put off some neat fireworks and then had a perfect seat in the driveway to watch the State College Fireworks. Pat and George Cannode arrived at Black Moshannon State Park to park their RV for a couple days. As they were climbing the mountain to the park they heard a loud noise....but made it to the park. The next day their RV had to be towed to State College for repairs. SO they spent a few days staying with us at my Mom's. We showed them around Karthaus (that took 5 minutes), visited Joan and her Tom at their camp about 30 miles deeper into the woods, took them to see ELK in the wild and just hung out. It is always good to spend time with Pat and George..lots of laughing. On the 6 of July , Tom woke with epigastric pain so we spent the day in the ER with a diagnosis of GERD and gastritis. After a GI cocktail in the ER, he started to feel better and has continued on Prilosec. The rest of the week we spent on follow up doctor appointments for an incidental finding on the CT Scan. Thank God all the tests came back normal. We were also able to spent and evening with my cousin Ronnie and Judy and their family as they celebrated their grandson's graduation from high school where we also saw some Rolley cousins. Tom and I went to our niece Julie's on Sunday and Tom made Liver and Onions for them as they had never had. Of course they really liked! Ronnie and Judi came to Mom's home one evening and we played DICE late into the night. WHAT FUN! Maryann was able to spend time with her friend Janet too. Peggy and Larry came up from Lancaster on Friday to spend the day. They brought fresh corn on the cob...just picked the day before...and some great tomatoes. Mom really loves fresh tomatoes. The area was having the 100 Mile Yard Sale so we went for a drive up to Julie's as she was participating. We had a great dinner with fried chicken, the wonderful fresh corn and ate 3 large tomatoes for dinner. There were lots of hugs as we said good bye to Peggy and Larry as they headed back to Lancaster. My Aunt and her daughter arrived on Saturday to spend the weekend. We all went to our catholic parish annual picnic that evening to walk about and see the fireworks. It was so nice seeing The Rolley Family, Benton Family and Billotte Family plus several friends we have not seen in years from Karthaus and catching up with them. The fireworks were really great too. We gave hugs to Mom and Aunt Ethel and her daughter Diane on Sunday Morning and headed to Joan and Tom's so could leave on our trip to New York and Michigan. Today we are in Traverse City, Michigan. Somehow I have had not had the chance to finish or update our blog. So I will get this blog posted... Sending all hugs and keeping you all in our prayers. Look for pictures to follow soon....will do our blog for our travels in the past week or so as soon as can find moments. Just know we are well and having good days with lots of laughing and safe travels. Please keep us in your prayers. God Bless, Tom and Maryann

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