Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Cocoa, Florida to Tucson August 2015

We arrived home safely on 25 August 2015 after an amazing summer visiting family and friends!
We spent the last few days watching trees being taken down  with Bill and Charlotte. Now one can see the sky more clearly while sitting on the screened in porch watching the birds and squirrels.  What fun to watch such big trees being taken down especially when Charlotte's wonderful cookies were eaten for snack as we watched. The team of guys who were working also were thankful for the snacks. Tom and Charlotte also spent time together in the Kitchen cooking for Bill and I!  Of course we had to go back to a couple of our favorite restaurants before we left too!!  Always difficult to leave this home away from home too.  
We packed up and headed back "on the road" on August 21st.   We traveled north on the back roads that we had not taken before to Panacea, Florida to spent a couple days with Mary and Andre.  Maryann and Mary went to Nursing School together in Washington D.C. (1966-1969) Not only did they feed us with the best homemade foods but also took us to Wahulla Springs State Park.   We took a river boat ride on the spring waters where we saw alligators, turtles, beautiful birds and manatees in this deepest and largest freshwater spring in the world.   Also went to St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge where we explored the coastline and lighthouse before having a late afternoon picnic lunch.  What a treat for us to meet Mary and Andre's daughter and her husband and their daughter Awana.  Awana certainly gives great hugs!!   Their home is right on the river so were able to  watch a spectacular sunset together .   Definitely a beautiful area of Florida that we enjoyed.  Once again Mary and Andre welcomed us into their life and made us feel right at home!!    We even watched an old time movie together...just like home!
After a hearty breakfast, we headed up the road about 4 hours to Niceville, Florida area.    It is always so good to see Ann and Jim.  This time we even got to see Ann's daughter Kathy.  We had not seen Kathy since she was about 7 years old. Kathy and Mikey used to play with Kelly and Carrie who were the same ages when we were in Germany.  Also got to meet their friends and had a great dinner "walking down memory lane"!!  We decided to go to Destin, Florida for a night and check out the Destin MWR Army Villas for a future family trip.  Very nice accommodations on the Choctawhatchee Bay, just minutes from downtown Destin.  This area of Florida is called 'the Emerald Coast"....beautiful white sands and deep blue and green waters.  From there, we headed just up the road to Niceville, Florida to spend time with Joe and Sandy and Hope and Lizzie Grace their adorable Shih Tzu family members.   Once again Hope and Lizzie Grace were at the door to greet us with tales wagging!   Sandy and Joe took us to a new German Restaurant in Niceville.  The food and service at Helga's was so good, we thought we were back in Germany!!   If you are in the is a must!  Tom was also glad to be able to get back in the kitchen and do some cooking for all of us!   We were also able to take them back to Destin to show them the MWR cabins.  We also checked out the Maxwell AFB MWR area near the Mid-Bay Bridge on the Eglin side before you cross over the bridge.  Also took a detour to the Emergency Room in Niceville as Tom's leg began to get more swollen and red again.    More IV antibiotics and instructions to follow up when we arrived home the next week.   We think that Joe and Sandy were meant to live in Niceville as each time we visit, we feel that NICENESS  ...but may want to check with the Chamber of Commerce  and change their address to Absolutely Wonderful-ville!!
Now it was time to travel to Spring, Tx. to spend time with Fred and Belinda, our friends that we met when we lived in Austin, Tx.  Maryann and Belinda met while attending orientation at Breckinridge Hospital where they worked together...and as it was meant to be our families became family!!   We just spent the time being together .. Fred and Tom cleaned the pool and mowed the yard while Belinda and I went out and about. We had not had a pedicure we did!!   One more item to put on and take off the "bucket list"!!   Lots of talking, getting "take-out" and even watched a movie together in our short visit.   Just being able to do the "everyday" stuffs with our friends makes our visits so special...and eating of course.    Of course Fred and Tom discussed sports!! We also discussed our plans for future travels together in the near future!!   They treated us to a wonderful brunch at a "must return to" restaurant before we headed West!      We stopped in San Antonio to eat at Magnolia's before we headed home to Tucson.   We were really surprised and happy to see how green the mountains and vegetation was in West Texas  and New Mexico and even along I-10 into Tucson.
We have been home for two weeks now and are getting settled back into our Tucson life.   Of course, we have seen our grand girls...and do they give some GRAND Hugs and Kisses. This past weekend we had Samantha, Kirsten and Emme for sleep over.
Molly had a function for Girl-Scouts so could not join us so was so good to see her on Sunday.   We had all over for dinner on Sunday to catch-up with all our Tucson Family  and their summer activities.
Update on Tom's leg injury from 2 July.   He was seen by his primary care doctor on
1 September and then by Infectious Disease on 4 September.   His leg is finally on the way to healing.   He is to continue on the two antibiotics for a couple more weeks and then will return to the Infectious Disease doctor for follow up.  We look forward to seeing you all again and make more memories maybe traveling together!!

Just let us know when you want to come and spend time with us here in Tucson...we have the light on!!
God Bless and loving hugs,
Tom and Maryann

~Don 't think of the things you didn't get after praying.  Think of the countless blessings God gave you without asking~  AND...we count each of you as our special blessings and thank you for having us in your life.

~No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until they come home to rest their head on their old familiar pillow~

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Cocoa, Florida 11 August 2015

Good Morning,
We have been here with Charlotte and Bill since 28 July.
We left Fr. Bragg and spent the night at Ft. Stewart Army Base in Hinesville  near Savannah, Georgia.   We checked out TRIPADVISOR for a local restaurant and chose Rosenhof German Restaurant in Hinesville.  We thought we were back in Germany as the food was so good.  We actually thought about staying there a couple more days just to go back and eat a few more times.
The next morning we got up to go on to Jacksonville, Florida to check out a museum that Tom wanted to visit...but his leg was more swollen and looked like cellulitis had set in.    SO we bypassed Jacksonville and came on  to Charlotte and Bill's here in Cocoa.   Charlotte and Bill took us to Viera Hospital ER.   And indeed they did diagnosis Cellulitis and took a culture.   Tom was given more antibiotics and told to make "staying off the leg a priority".   Tom does listen to his sister!!  Saturday evening when I changed the dressing on Tom's leg, noted that there was pus like material coming from the wound.   We got up early and went back to the ER.  The culture that they had done on Tuesday results were MRSA ( a contagious and antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria) so the antibiotics the Augmentin Antibiotic he was taking and that had been given IV twice in the ER's was not working for the wound infection.  Now he is on Bactrim so hope to see improvement in a couple days.  Our days are always interesting!!     We have just been spending time at home and going out to some favorite seafood and Italian restaurants.  Charlotte and Bill took us out to another of their favorite seafood restaurants for our 44th Wedding Anniversary.  So now we have yet another favorite restaurant here!  We have been so blessed with our years together.... and hope for 44 more!!
Charlotte and Bill have a screened in porch so we spend lots of  hours enjoying the outside in the morning and evenings.   HUMIDITY is really bad during the day.  
Tom'a leg seems to be healing.  Apparently the Bactrim is taking care of the MRSA infection.   The area is still red but the wound is nearly closed now with minimal drainage...and no signs of infection.
In the past days, we were able to visit with friends that we know in the area.   Met Nancy and Chuck in Orlando.   We were stationed with Nancy when we lived in Japan from 1971-1975.   We have been so glad to be able to visit with Nancy and Chuck every couple of years when we travel.    Then we went up to Orlando and had lunch with Bob Gibson and his wife Yoko.   Maryann was stationed with Bob in Vietnam and then he was stationed in Japan with us where he met Yoko.,,and had not seen them for 43 years!!    It was so good to catch up with them.   Charlotte and Bill also joined us so got to meet both our AF friends.     Yesterday, we traveled to Silver Springs, Florida and went to the little park there where they have natural springs.   The highlight of the day was taking a scenic ride on the Glass Bottom Boat.   Unique to be able to see the fish and the spring caverns.
Today we have been entertained by the Tree Cutting team who is taking down some very TALL pines that need to be removed from Bill and Charlotte's yard.    What fun and amazing to view this process.
We have front row seats....however due to the humidity decided to stay inside this afternoon.
Of course, we have been keeping up with our Grand girls in Tucson and all of our Tucson Family...
Molly, Samantha and Kirsten are getting settled in school.  Molly is in Band.  Samantha and Kirsten are now in Karate.   AND of course,  since Kelly is their Girl Scout leader they are all busy with Scouts and back to religious education at church.   Emme had her last visit with the visiting Nurse who has visited her  for the past two years.   She is still just over 19 pounds but is right on for all of her other mile stones.    What blessings.  YEAH EMME!!!!  Carrie is TDY this week so her friend Jess, who Emme loves is taking care of Emme.
We will be here until this Friday until we start our trip home and plan to be home in 2 weeks after spending more great visits with friends in Northern Florida  and Houston, Texas area.
I still have not been able to sync my pictures so will do a picture blog when we get home...and settled into our Tucson life!!

Please keep us in prayer for safe travels home.
 ~Wherever you are, it is your family and friends who make your world complete~

Love and Hugs,
God Bless,
Tom and Maryann


Sunday, July 26, 2015

Camp to leaving State College 26 July 2015

Hello from Bethesda, Maryland
Finally I am going to update our blog...thanks to George for reminding me!
We left Linesville on 17 July and headed to Joan and Tom's camp about 25 miles from Karthaus on
Keating Mountain.  We stopped and saw Joan's son Adam and Reese and left our car with them while we were at camp.   We saw several deer and a couple elk.  Joan and Tom mowed the grass for several hours while Joan's Tom hog brushed.  A hog brush is a rotary mower that is pulled by a tractor and can mow dense brush.   I stayed at the cabin and made sure dinner was cooking properly!!   Yes, I did have the better job...but I did volunteer to do mowing.  It was really a hot day too.  We ate dinner and took a ride in the car as had air conditioner... When we came home, we played some games before we went to bed.   We got up early the next day and went back up the mountain and picked up our car at Adam and Carrie's and got to see Alexis and Reese again before headed to State College.   We did stop in Karthaus and saw Aunt Liz and Vicki and Aunt Ethel, Diane and Vonnie and Maryann's friend Janet.
Wow...was it ever nice to be at Roseanne and Jeff's and have air conditioning.   The Shomo family were at the beach so we had the house.  Tom had fallen while onloading the carrier on the Lexus on 2 July and had punctured the skin in 3 areas when he fell on the stepstool he was using.  He went to the ER under duress after the fall and they stopped the bleeding and took xray which showed that no broken bones.  The leg continued to swell but he decided HE did not need to be seen as the leg grew larger and redder.  (Thank goodness Maryann does not have a medical backround to be able to tell that he needed to be seen....hmmm)  Sunday afternoon, Tom decided that his leg that he had injured on 2 July was not doing as good as he thought as was swollen nearly twice the size and his foot was swollen.  When they surgically opened the area, it was full of several clots of blood.  They gave him IV medication and oral antibiotics to take and cut into the leg and removed several large blood clots.
The next day, Tom did spend most of the day resting.  I went to lunch with 10 friends that I had graduated from highschool with in 1966.   It was really nice catching up.   AND of course spending time with my friend Janet is always great.  
We spent time with Joan and her Tom and Roseanne's mother and father-in-law  having a fun evening and afternoon playing cards and dice.   We also all went out to lunch together.   We always have so much fun and so many laughs when we are together.   We are certainly blessed to be able to spend time with them too.
It was really difficult to leave Joan and her Tom on Friday morning.  We are so blessed to be able to spend such good days with Joan and her Tom.   They say "laughing is the best medicine" we get lots of medicine when we are all together.  
We stoppped in Lancaster on our way here.  We were going to stop and see our Aunt Annie but she had plans for the day.   We did do some shopping at the Old Mill store in Lancaster..always find something we NEED.   We were able to spent time with Peggy as Larry was at work.   We gave our hugs and left Peggy.  Just as we were going to get on the interstate, Larry called and said he was heading home from work and so we turnned around and went back to their home.  As always it was good to visit with them both.
Tom and I arrived at the Navy Gateway Inn about 8 PM.   I had not been in Besthesda  since 1969 and could not believe how had grown.   We are just staying down the street from Walter Reed Army Medical Center.   As we stay here we remember and honor all the soldiers that are just up the street being treated for wounds for their sacrifices for our country and their families.  God Bless our men and women in uniform...past, present and future...and thank you for our freedom.
Tom woke up this morning and the area on his leg had opened up and we could not get the bleeding to stop so went up the street to Walter Reed Hospital to get checked out.  They checked him out and found that he was getting blood clots again so put some "wicking" material in the wound along with Mediplex with silver foam that helps kill bacteria.  They also gave him more antibiotics.   It seemed that they gave us anything we would need to do wound care.   We saw them take care of other vets and their wives with such care and seemed that they left with what they needed to take care of their medical need to stop at CVS to pick up supplies!!   Thank you Walter Reed Staff for taking care of  on of this veteran!!
Today was to be a day of rest so worked out great so Tom could rest his leg.   We did find a neat Cafe in Bethesda where we had a late lunch before going to Saturday Mass this day.
I did not get this finished last evening so will finish now.
We are at Ft. Bragg this evening.   Found a unique BBQ place for lunch.   Tomorrow we will go to Savannah for the night.  Tom's leg seems to be draining nicely today.

So until our next  post...we will keep you in our prayers and thank you for keeping us in your prayers for safe travels.

Love and hugs,
Tom and Maryann
~~Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not~~
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

State College to Cape May New Jersey 10 July 2015

We certainly enjoyed having Carrie and Emme spend time with us in Karthaus and State College.
Emme was able to see her Great Aunt Liz and her daughter Vicki and spent time with Kenny and Julie and family.   Emme even caught her first fish at the pond with help.  We spent several days with Joan and Tom at Roseanne and Jeff's home in State College.  4th of July is a special time at Jeff, Roseanne and Maddie and Camyrn's home.   What fun days we all had with them!   We had a great 4th with lots of food, fireworks and their family and friends.   Emme was able to spend time with Joan's Adam and Carrie and Alexis and Reese and Sara and Adam and Ethan and Emma too.   Emme was exhausted after spending the days and evenings trying to do everything  her cousins were doing...and they were all just so good with her.   The first couple days Maddie and Camyrn just took over making sure Emme was occupied.   In fact we laughted that  "Emme grew another pair of Maddie carried her everywhere".    This is our second 4th of July with Roseanne and Family so was good seeing all their family and friends again.  Their home is just the spot to watch the Penn State Fire Works show too!
Carrie and Emme left the next morning at 5 AM and had safe travels home.   Emme did much better on the flight home to Tucson as she was well rested after a good night's sleep.
Sunday the 5th, Tom and Joan and us left for Dover AFB, Delaware where we spent the night.  We left Dover and took the 1015 Ferry to Cape May.  We always enjoy taking the car ferry...took about an hour until we docked in Cape May.  We have been staying here at the Coast Guard Station in one of their cottages.  We just have to walk about 1/2 mile to the beach or drive up to the gazebo and were right on the beach.  AND what a nice beach and most days we are the only ones on the beach or just have a couple others join us.   On the  mornings we went to the beach early, we were entertained by several dalphins playing in the waters. One evening we went down to "our beach" and sat on the life guard stand and had about 20 or so dolphins entertain us.
Never did get this completed while on Cape May... So will catch up...  We had relaxing days at Cape May...when not at the beach, we traveled to several small villages north of Cape May.  Walked on the boardwalk at Wildwood...was not like when we visited years ago...more like a carnival atmosphere.
The guys visited the War Memorial Museum at Cape May.  We spent an evening at Sunset Beach in Cape May.  Each night from Memorial Day to Labor Day, they honor a fallen American soldier with a flag lowering ceremony on the beach.  They read about the soldier and have his or her family members there and participate in the ceremony.   There are over a 100 in attendance each this is what needs to be on the evening news.  Sunset Beach has a beautiful sunset.    We just enjoyed spending time together ...playing games, just talking and being together.   Oh yes, forgot about all the laughing!!
We decided to drive back to State College to Roseanne's and Jeff's home to see some of the country side vs.taking the ferry back.    We relaxed at the fire pit in their back yard that evening and again just enjoyed being together and talking and more laughter.
After sharing in the birthday lunch for Jeff and his Mom ( Roseanne made great homemade Stromboli) we left to come to Linesville with Joan and Tom.   We were happy to also meet Jeff's brother and his son.   Of course Maddie and Camyrn always make us feel welcome.   Thank you Maddie for once again letting us use your bed!
Since we have been here in Linesville, we have taken a trip to Erie and visited some of our favorite places here.   Each evening it is fun to look out in the fields for deer.   Each evening there has been four small bucks come in the field and yard to eat the apples from the tree.
 Tom enjoys doing yard work when there is grass he was happy to help  Tom mow the yard.   Always enjoy seeing Joan's Tom's brother Bill too.
Joan and Tom have been feeding us very good..also nights playing cards and dice and just having fun being together.
We will all be here until Friday when we leave to go back to Roseanne and Jeff's in State College.
They are going to the beach so we will house set with Joan and Tom until the following Friday when we will leave to head South to Florida.
Continue to know that we are blessed and keep you all in daily prayer...
~"We haven't been everywhere, but it's on our list"~  Susan Sontag

Love and Hugs,
God Bless,
Tom and Maryann

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Cape Cod to State College, PA 24 June 2015

Good Morning,
Sitting here at the table looking across at the fields and two deers running across the area.   The sun is out today and so have blue skies around the beautiful green trees and fields.
We spent some rainey but good family days on the Cape.   Tom and I stayed at Otis AFB in their billeting as Pete and Linda had a full house with Kelly and girls and Danielle in their two bedroom neat condo.   We arrived with only 2 minutes to spare to check in at Otis...what a day!  Otis has some nice three bedroom condo's where we made home for several days.   We were at Pete and Linda's every day.  We did bring the rain with us but had nice day to go to Mashpee Beach and enjoy the kids playing in the ocean and making sand castles.   Maryann of course was covered in towels to keep warm as the wind was fairly strong.   We also spent a morning Candle Stick Bowling with the girls and Danielle and Pete and Kelly.   Molly was the winner!  First time we had heard of Candle Stick Bowling.   It was fun!   Also Linda and Maryann and all spent time at the pool in the condo area- watching the little's playing in the water.   We took a trip to Brocton and had dinner with Pete's brother and his daughter and son-in-law at a restaurant that has been a family tradition for years.   VERY good food and company!   IT was nice to meet more of the Walsh family.  AND of course we all played dice..even taught Danielle how to play. ALSO made time to go out and get ice cream...Cape Cod had the best ice cream shops..a small cone is two extra large scoops!!!! AND would not be a trip to the Cape without going to Lindsey's..our favorite seafood restaurant. We always eat very good when we spend time with Pete and Linda at their place in Mashpee!   It was bitter sweet as we gave lots of kisses and hugs  to Kelly, Molly, Samantha, Kirsten after traveling with them for the last month. AND to Pete and Linda who we won't see again until September back in Tucson.
We left the Cape on 17th June and spent a night at Groton, Conn. Submariene Base.  Tom and I went exploring and had a nice late lunch on the dock watching the fishing boats.  We traveled back to  Tobyhanna Army Depot in the Pocono Mountains where we spent time with Peggy and Larry.   Maryann and Peggy met in nursing school in 1966 and "what a wonderful friendship" they have.
When we say we are going East to spend time with family....they are family!   Of course we brought the rain to Tobyhanna...but the rain stopped at appropriate times as we went out and about.   Tom and Larry barbequed steaks one evening.   If you are ever in the area, the Army have very nice Villa's that ID card holders can rent.   We spent the days catching up and just enjoying being together.   We left Tobyhanna on Father's Day and traveled together and had a nice late lunch before we gave our hugs and headed to Belefonte to spent time with Joan and Tom who are taking care of Sara and Adam's home while they are at the beach for the week.   Lots of laughing happening here!   We did take a day and go to Shanksville Memorial ....where Flight 93 went into the ground on 9-11.    They are still building the memorial but it is amazing.   The park ranger that was telling the story brought tears to our eyes even before we walked around the finished area.   Being there was extremely emotional... felt the same emotions when we traveled to Dachau, Germany and to the Vietnam War Memorial.
As I walked pass each panel with individual name on them of the heroes  that helped take Flight 93 down...I took time reading each of their names and thanking them for their sacrifices.  We will go back when they have completed the memorial in a year or so.
It seems like the rain is following us still...but have had some nice days take advantage. We spent a fun afternoon minitature golfing with Joan and Tom in State College.   Carrie and Emme arrived on the June 25th and will be traveling with us until 5 July.   We spent a day just letting Emme play.   Carrie and Emme stayed at Sara's with us too.  We  then headed to Harrisburg to spend a few days at Carlisle Army Depot again.   Visited our Aunt Fran and her family and then Tom and I attended Aunt Ethel's grandson's wedding mass...poured rain all day...they say rain on a wedding day is good luck!!  We were able to see some cousins we had not seen in good to see all and catch up on their lives too.  Peggy and Larry  came up from Lancaster on their Anniversary in the afternoon to spend some time with us and Carrie and Emme.   Emme warmed up to them almost immediately.  After they left, we went and visited with Aunt Ethel.  So far once again Emme has been a great travelor.
Kelly and Bryan also started their road trip Arizona June 28.   They have plans to stop in Alabama to let the girls enjoy the Space Museum.  Since Molly was about 4 , she has wanted to be an astronaut...and still does.
We stopped at the Safari Adventure in Halifax, Pennsylvania on our way back to Karthaus.  Spent several hours walking about and seeing animals and taking the jeep ride.  Emme was able to feed the animals and enjoyed the petting zoo.
We are back in   Karthaus area for the 4th of July and to see family and friends
Keeping you all in our daily prayer.  Love and hugs
God Bless,
Tom and Maryann

~"The Best things in Life are the People we Love, PLACES we have been and the Memories we've made Along the way."~

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Linesville, PA to Harrisburg, PA June 2015

We arrived in Linesville, Pa on 31 May and spent a night with Joan and Tom.   We arrived late in the afternoon to a wonderful home cooked dinner and lots of the rain.   I do think that the rain followed us across the states. We had a great pancake breakfast with Tom's homemade syrup and all the fixings.   The girls had a fun time at Pymatuning Lake  where ducks walk on the fish.  We fed the carp lots of bread near the Spillway where the carp gather in hundreds to catch the bread thrown by visitors.  The ducks try to get the food too and since there are so many fish...they actually have to walk on the backs of the carp to try to get the bread.  The Spillway draws over 300,000 visitors a year to see this attraction...and the only advertisement is by "word of mouth".  Joan had about 6 bags of old bread that the girls were able to feed to the fish!!  We bid farewell to Joan and Tom knowing that we would see them in a few days when we were to meet them at their camp and spend a night.We talked to Pete and Linda and Danielle Walsh while we were having lunch at Joan and Tom's as they were heading to the Cape from Tucson.   They were in Akron, Ohio.  We thought we would meet up as they were going to be staying the night in Clearfield, PA.   When we next talked to them, we were only 12 miles apart!!!   We met them at their hotel in Clearfield.  (Julie and Denny had invited them to dinner too!!) and they follow us down the mountain to Julie's.   Once again we had a wonderful family dinner at Julie and Denny's and Tyler and  also Massey's ( their cute little dog).   Pete, Linda and Danielle went back to their hotel and left the next morning for the Cape.  What wonderful family we have to welcome all 9 of us into their homes.   Julie took off the next day and all went to a local amuzement park..Kenny also joined the kids for a day of fun and rides.   On Wednesday we headed to Joan and Tom's camp about an hour into the woods from where we were staying with Julie.  Another fun time with roasting hotdogs outside around the firepit and then making smores.   The girls were exposed to using the outhouse and staying in a real camp!!  We took a couple walks in the woods...saw a few cow elks, deer and their fawns, turkey's with new chicks. We walked down to Maryann's Dad's old camp as Kelly had memories of spending time there with her grandparents.   Joan and I took them SNIPE hunting when it got dark....but unfortunately we were making too much noise so were not successful at capturing a SNIPE.  We woke to a beautiful day and another great breakfast and played some DICE before we headed back to Julie's.

Friday, Kenny and Julie and Tom took Kelly and girls for a hike to a local waterfall.  I stayed back as the area was fairly rugged near the Falls.   They did see a couple snakes.   Uncle Kenny made sure that Kirsten made it back up the rocky area..and she actually saw one of the snakes and alerted all!!
Friday evening we traveled about an hour down to State College and spent the evening with Joan and Tom and Roseanne, Jeff and girls and Sara and Adam and their twins.   It was so fun to see all the cousins ranging in age from 10 to 6 immediately bond.  They played all kind of made up games outside and then went indoors to Roseanne and Jeff's basement play area and played while the adults sat on their outside patio for  a beautiful evening of fun, laughter and catching up.  We thank Roseanne and Jeff for once again making us feel so at home.
Saturday the girls played outside in Julie and Denny's beautiful huge yard.  Kirsten loved their swing.
Julie made their stay special by doing manicures and pedicures with them..even did do overs with a big smile on her face!!!   They really enjoyed talking to Denny and playing games on the x-box and pool with their cousin Tyler who will be in his third year of college for engineering.    Julie would go to work but still had time to fix us wonderful home cooked foods and desserts.   Saturday evening , Kenny, Steven and his family and Rita and her Tom came over and we all had Pizza plus a great taco roll plus that Julie made.   The kids and Julie played crouquet.    Denny made a fun bond fire and once again made smores.  The kids and their cousins collected lightening bugs (fireflys) and put in a jar.   What fun to see the kids make these new memories with their Hugar Cousins.
Kelly and girls left for Stephenson ,Virginia on Monday to visit their friends that had recently moved to Virginia from Tucson.   They had wonderful adventures with their friends and then met us in Carlisle , Pa on Wednesday.  We took Maryann's Aunt Fran out to lunch.   She picked the perfect place for the girls ...Friendly's !!   It is always good to visit with Aunt Fran.   We were to visit with Aunt Ethel but she had eye surgery scheduled...she had a long day so we will see her on our way back.  We visited the Army War College Museum with the girls and they had fun exploring the outside areas and military  bunkers and World War 1 Trench.    We stayed at the Carlisle Barracks Military Billeting in a building that was build in 1880....of course remodeled!!!!    Thursday, we went to Lancaster and had a lovely lunch with Peggy, Larry, Lisa, Brendon and Elisabeth and Oakley the family pet!.  We spend the night in the Pocono Mountains at Tobyhanna Army Depot.  The girls were so happy to see deer and  a turkey and her hens near our villa.  We were all in bed early as we were excited to head to Mashpee on Cape Cod to spend time with Gramma and Grandpa Walsh and Danielle.
We just found out that our Emme is finally 19 pounds and 2 ounces!!!
We are keeping you all in prayer and thank you all for the prayer and thoughts for safe travels.
God Bless,
Tom and Maryann


Saturday, May 30, 2015

On the Road 2015

We left Tucson on 22 May 2015 heading North and then East..  We are so happy and blessed to be traveling with Kelly, Molly, Samantha and Kirsten.  Makes the drive so much more interesting than when just Tom and I.    Have learned a few new CAR games to play. Kelly planned ahead and gave them sheets to complete as we go through a Geography lesson!   One of Kirsten's pages is to find certain kinds of trucks....and they all have sheets to find different license plates.  We even saw a Hawaii license plate!!   Spent our first night in Albuquerque, New Mexico at Kirkland AFB.
Just outside of Cheyenne, we stopped and there was some snow on the ground so the girls made snowballs and threw them at Granddad when he came out of the store!!  Then headed to Cheyenne, Wyoming where we stayed at F.E Warren AFB. Our TLF there was one floor above the room Maryann stayed in her first night on base when she was assigned there as a 2nd Lt! What a coincidenc.  The girls just loved seeing all the Antelope roam about all over the base.  They each took turns trying to walk up to them to pet them.....but the antelope moved away...good try girls!!  We also had a wonderful visit with John and Judy.  We had been friends with Judy when we were at Cheyenne and have been blessed to have kept in touch and also to now know her John.  Had a wonderful Turkey dinner with appropriate as were so Thankful to spend time with them.
Juday had the girls find feathers outside and then showed them how to make Watercolor Roosters using the feathers and watercolors.   They also made other pictures with the water colors.   While they were in her art and craft area, Judy made Tom and John some wonderful Margaritas and we caught up on our life adventures.   We also took the kids to the park to play and to see "Big Boy" train engine after we walked downtown.   Kelly enjoyed seeing our old home on Sergeant's Row and reminising about the times she remembered when we lived there from 1980-1984...and of course Tom and I love going back to F.E WARREN AFB  as that is where we met.   Since we were talking about Devil's Tower when at Judy and John's, we decided to stop there on our way to Mt. Rushmore.   Devil's Tower is in Northern Wyoming and is the first declared US National Monument established in 1906 by President Theodore Roosevelt.  According to the Indian Tribes some girls went out to play and spotted a giant bear and climbed atop a rock, fell to their knees and prayed to the Great Spirit to save them.  The Great Spirit made the rock rise form the ground to the heavens so that the bears could not reach the girls.  The bears in and effort to reach the girls, left deep claw marks in the sides, which made the rock too steep to climb ...and those are the marks that apear on the side today.  The girls reached the sky and were turned into the star constellation the PLEIADES...  There are several legends...I kind of like this one!!   It started to really rain so were only able to spend about an hour there.   The girls did start their Junior Ranger Badge paperwork for the park there.
As we headed to Rapid City, South Dakota, saw lots of cows and their calfs and more Antelope and deer.   IT rained nearly all the way to Rapid City.    We stayed at Ellsworth AFB in a lovely TLF.
The next day we went to the Dinosaur Park and then headed to Custer State Park.   The girls were amazed with the Buffalo...must have seen over 100 and even saw some baby Buffalo's.  They came right up to the Car.   We saw some deer and also wild burrors.  The girls were able to walk up to them and a couple even wanted to snuggle with them.   The day was just beautiful ...sun shinning and warm.   Just as we headed to Mt. Rushmore, the rains came...but we while we were in the building helping the girls with their Junior Ranger Badge paperwork, the rain subsided so were able to walk about.  Amazing sculpture...  We also saw Crazy Horse Memorial from afar.   It was started in 1948 and is still not completed.   The Indian Nation still trying to raise money to finish  as is a non-profit.
The next day we headed to Chicago...stopping on the way at Laura Ingals Wilder Home.  The girls were able to ride in and drive a horse drawn covered wagon, wash clothes in a bucket with a wooden ringer,  See how they used fat  from animals for soap for washing clothers, ride a horse, attend a class in the old school house.   Samantha even put on a prairie dress and bonnet while in the class.    They were able to see the first cave like homes of the settlers  and then the wooden structure homes. They made ropes and corn cob dolls too.  Samantha drove a one horse buggy too.   We had a lovely sunny afternoon at De Smeth, South Dakota where the settlement was.
Arrived at the Great Lakes Naval Lodge  yesterday late afternoon.  Today Tom, Kelly and girls are in Chicago.  They took the train into the city and will spend the day there.
What  a special time it has been to just spend this time with them making memories.  The girls take turns riding with their Mom and with Granddad.  I ride with Kelly at times and then switch over and ride with Tom too. Kelly and Tom do the driving but I have driven for a couple hours at a time.  The girls watch Movies, read, play games with each other etc.  AND Kirsten still does like to talk...especially when I am sitting in the seat right next to her.  When I tell her that "Nana is resting her ears", she just pauses...   We are so blessed to be making these blessings with our wonderful girls..and Kelly.
They had a wonderful day in Chicago at the Navy Pier, Millennium park , taking a water taxi etc.
Today we went to the Jelly Belly Distribution Center and took a tour and of course, ate several Jelly Belly Candies.  We then went to the Graue Museum and Mill.   The girls ground corn like they used to in the early 1900's.
We think that the rain is following us or we are bring the rain with us.
Tomorrow we will head to Linesville, PA and spend time with Joan and Tom and then on to Karthaus, Pa.
I have to have my phone synced so I can send hope to do soon.  Thank you George for helping me with issues with my blog!!

~We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.~
Sending our love and hugs,
God Bless you and we are keeping you all in prayer.
Tom and Maryann