Wednesday, July 15, 2015

State College to Cape May New Jersey 10 July 2015

We certainly enjoyed having Carrie and Emme spend time with us in Karthaus and State College.
Emme was able to see her Great Aunt Liz and her daughter Vicki and spent time with Kenny and Julie and family.   Emme even caught her first fish at the pond with help.  We spent several days with Joan and Tom at Roseanne and Jeff's home in State College.  4th of July is a special time at Jeff, Roseanne and Maddie and Camyrn's home.   What fun days we all had with them!   We had a great 4th with lots of food, fireworks and their family and friends.   Emme was able to spend time with Joan's Adam and Carrie and Alexis and Reese and Sara and Adam and Ethan and Emma too.   Emme was exhausted after spending the days and evenings trying to do everything  her cousins were doing...and they were all just so good with her.   The first couple days Maddie and Camyrn just took over making sure Emme was occupied.   In fact we laughted that  "Emme grew another pair of Maddie carried her everywhere".    This is our second 4th of July with Roseanne and Family so was good seeing all their family and friends again.  Their home is just the spot to watch the Penn State Fire Works show too!
Carrie and Emme left the next morning at 5 AM and had safe travels home.   Emme did much better on the flight home to Tucson as she was well rested after a good night's sleep.
Sunday the 5th, Tom and Joan and us left for Dover AFB, Delaware where we spent the night.  We left Dover and took the 1015 Ferry to Cape May.  We always enjoy taking the car ferry...took about an hour until we docked in Cape May.  We have been staying here at the Coast Guard Station in one of their cottages.  We just have to walk about 1/2 mile to the beach or drive up to the gazebo and were right on the beach.  AND what a nice beach and most days we are the only ones on the beach or just have a couple others join us.   On the  mornings we went to the beach early, we were entertained by several dalphins playing in the waters. One evening we went down to "our beach" and sat on the life guard stand and had about 20 or so dolphins entertain us.
Never did get this completed while on Cape May... So will catch up...  We had relaxing days at Cape May...when not at the beach, we traveled to several small villages north of Cape May.  Walked on the boardwalk at Wildwood...was not like when we visited years ago...more like a carnival atmosphere.
The guys visited the War Memorial Museum at Cape May.  We spent an evening at Sunset Beach in Cape May.  Each night from Memorial Day to Labor Day, they honor a fallen American soldier with a flag lowering ceremony on the beach.  They read about the soldier and have his or her family members there and participate in the ceremony.   There are over a 100 in attendance each this is what needs to be on the evening news.  Sunset Beach has a beautiful sunset.    We just enjoyed spending time together ...playing games, just talking and being together.   Oh yes, forgot about all the laughing!!
We decided to drive back to State College to Roseanne's and Jeff's home to see some of the country side vs.taking the ferry back.    We relaxed at the fire pit in their back yard that evening and again just enjoyed being together and talking and more laughter.
After sharing in the birthday lunch for Jeff and his Mom ( Roseanne made great homemade Stromboli) we left to come to Linesville with Joan and Tom.   We were happy to also meet Jeff's brother and his son.   Of course Maddie and Camyrn always make us feel welcome.   Thank you Maddie for once again letting us use your bed!
Since we have been here in Linesville, we have taken a trip to Erie and visited some of our favorite places here.   Each evening it is fun to look out in the fields for deer.   Each evening there has been four small bucks come in the field and yard to eat the apples from the tree.
 Tom enjoys doing yard work when there is grass he was happy to help  Tom mow the yard.   Always enjoy seeing Joan's Tom's brother Bill too.
Joan and Tom have been feeding us very good..also nights playing cards and dice and just having fun being together.
We will all be here until Friday when we leave to go back to Roseanne and Jeff's in State College.
They are going to the beach so we will house set with Joan and Tom until the following Friday when we will leave to head South to Florida.
Continue to know that we are blessed and keep you all in daily prayer...
~"We haven't been everywhere, but it's on our list"~  Susan Sontag

Love and Hugs,
God Bless,
Tom and Maryann

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