Saturday, March 26, 2016

26 March 2016. Stow-On-The-Wold

On March 22, we said good bye to Joan and Tom in Linesville(difficult to leave them as they always make us feel so at home with them) and headed to Andrews Air Force Base to begin our adventure with George and Pat to Europe.    We had great billeting at Andrews Air Force Base.    On the 23rd March, we took George's car to the long term parking at the military terminal where we parked it for the 3 months we will be traveling.   We took a cab to Washington-Dulles Airport.
We left Washington Dulles on Wednesday evening and arrived at Heathrow  in London Thursday morning about 7 AM.  British Air is a great airline to travel on.   It took us about an hour to go through and have our pass ports checked and then on to pick up our car.  Pat and George and Tom and I settled into our car and all the luggage fit in the trunk for our trip to Stow-on-the-Wold in the Cotswolds about 2 hours or so from London.
It was decided that Tom would drive while here in Great Britian and Ireland as he makes driving on the "wrong side" (by American Standards) look easy!
We arrived at "Kate's Cottage" here in Stow to find the lovely little cottage that we had rented to call home for the next two weeks. We got settled and walked just down the street to the square and had a look about.  Had a lovely lunch at a little cafe and did some grocery shopping.   We decided that would have an early evening as all did not sleep on the plane.
Friday, we took a ride to Burton on the Water  and Burford.   It was a perfect sunny day to walk around Burton on the Water.   There were lots of families having picnics at the park and milling around.    We then spent time at St. Michael's Anglican Church in Burton that was built in 1721 and had fish and chips before we headed back to our cottage.    Saturday, we slept in again and then went to Bristol as George was having some issues with his I PAD.     Today it was pouring rain all day.
We drove down to BATH......since it it holiday here too....many people and cars...  We spent about 30+ minutes trying to get in and out of a car park so decided we would come back to BATH during the week.......
I have put a first load of wash in the WASHER/DRYER here in the cottage....will see how that goes.
We are to have rainy weather the next week but we brought our raincoats and are with our dear friends so what could be better.
I still need to figure out how to add pictures.....


We are keeping you all in our daily thoughts and prayers as we travel.   Please keep up in prayer and good thoughts for safe travels for us and those who pass us by.
Love and Hugs,
God Bless
Tom and Maryann

Thursday, March 17, 2016

17 March 2016. Happy St. Patrick's Day

We arrived safely in Linesville to spend time with Joan and Tom before we leave for Europe.  As always we were treated with Hugs and Loves.   Tom and Joan are in the process of moving to their new home near Bellefonte, PA.  We have been able to help them a little with packing for the move.
We drove up to Bellefonte  to see the NEW HOME and leave our Lexus there while we are in Europe.   Their new home is just beautiful in a nice little neighborhood just outside of Bellefonte.
Tom is feeling much better and with the use of the antibiotics, prednisone and inhalers lungs are clear again.   Maryann's stomach still not back to normal but seems a little better every day.  Still has nausea and body aches but that also is somewhat better.    Just needs to get strength back now.   All the test and scans etc. have been normal so just have to be patient....and hopefully "tincture of time" will help.
Of course the days are cooler winter coats for Maryann.  
Pat and George, our dear friends who will join us on our adventure in Europe will be here on Sunday. They arrived in Ohio to spend time with family and will be here in Linesville on Sunday.  We will leave here and go to Andrews Air Force Base on the 22 March to spend the night before we fly to Heathrow in London , England on the evening of. 23 March.  First stop will be 2 weeks in the Cotswalds countryside west of London.
Of course we miss all our Tucson Family....especially our grand girls.   We talk to them frequently and thanks to FaceTime and Skype will be able to see their beautiful faces and expressions!
We will keep you all in our thoughts and daily prayers as we look forward to our new adventure.
Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers too for safe travels.

Hugs and Loves,
God Bless,
Tom and Maryann.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

7 March 2016 On the road again

Here we are "on the road again".  We left home on 7 March heading to Pennsylvania to meet up with George and Pat Cannode for our travel adventures to Europe.   Always difficult saying good bye to our Tucson Family.  Yesterday we arrived in Springdale Arkansas to go out and about with Tom's Aunt Marilyn and Aunt Lois who we love so much and always have so much fun with them.  It was even nice to see cousin Steven.   When we got back to the hotel, Tom fell asleep on the chair and then started coughing and had some shortness of breath and had a fever.   So we headed to the ER and were seen right away. The symptoms had just started so quickly..they tested him for flu and sure enough he had Influzenza A.    So was given Theraflu and we were home by 1230 AM.  
I was thinking we would stay another day in Springdale but Tom felt good enough to move on.
We arrived  here at Scott Air Force Base for the night.(10 March).  Tomorrow Dayton, Ohio and Maryann is going to try to get seen for some stomach symptoms.   THEN on to Pennsylvania to Joan and Tom's (Maryann's sister"s) to wait for Pat and George to meet up with us so we can head for Washington Dulles Airport to head to Europe for our 3 month dream vacation.   Pat and George had come to Tucson in December for a week and we had such a week planning this trip that we have talked about...actually it was to be a few weeks in Normandy, France and ended up being a 3 month visit!
We are also so excited to go to State College with Tom and Joan to see their new home before we leave.
Please keep us in you prayers as we make new memories.
Sending love and hugs to each of you.
God Bless.