Thursday, March 10, 2016

7 March 2016 On the road again

Here we are "on the road again".  We left home on 7 March heading to Pennsylvania to meet up with George and Pat Cannode for our travel adventures to Europe.   Always difficult saying good bye to our Tucson Family.  Yesterday we arrived in Springdale Arkansas to go out and about with Tom's Aunt Marilyn and Aunt Lois who we love so much and always have so much fun with them.  It was even nice to see cousin Steven.   When we got back to the hotel, Tom fell asleep on the chair and then started coughing and had some shortness of breath and had a fever.   So we headed to the ER and were seen right away. The symptoms had just started so quickly..they tested him for flu and sure enough he had Influzenza A.    So was given Theraflu and we were home by 1230 AM.  
I was thinking we would stay another day in Springdale but Tom felt good enough to move on.
We arrived  here at Scott Air Force Base for the night.(10 March).  Tomorrow Dayton, Ohio and Maryann is going to try to get seen for some stomach symptoms.   THEN on to Pennsylvania to Joan and Tom's (Maryann's sister"s) to wait for Pat and George to meet up with us so we can head for Washington Dulles Airport to head to Europe for our 3 month dream vacation.   Pat and George had come to Tucson in December for a week and we had such a week planning this trip that we have talked about...actually it was to be a few weeks in Normandy, France and ended up being a 3 month visit!
We are also so excited to go to State College with Tom and Joan to see their new home before we leave.
Please keep us in you prayers as we make new memories.
Sending love and hugs to each of you.
God Bless.

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