Tuesday, June 21, 2011

21 June 2011...first day of summer for the northwest!

Happy Summer to you all....Spokane and the Northwest has not had a spring let alone a summer yet.
We just arrived back in Spokane this afternoon from a wonder filled trip with our Noreen and Hugh. We left Whidbley Island after spending Saturday touring about and going to Anacortas and walked about this neat little town and had the best fish and chips in the bowling alley of all places...voted best in Anacortas for several years...and it was delicious. We were able to find a nice chapel to attend mass and then went back to our room and played a dice came and aggravation ...Noreen and I are now the current champs of aggravation...the game not the ability to aggravate! We woke early and took the ferry to Sydney BC , Canada. WE LOVE TAKING THE FERRY...Maryann took a nap on the Ferry before waking and beating Tom and Hugh at UNO while Noreen made us a snack to eat. We found a nice inn right on the Waterfront in Sydney (arrived at 1030 AM. We had a ocean view with a balcony so enjoyed the sunset and sunrise. We walked about the town and once again had fish and chips but it was good but not like the bowling alley fish and chips..but the clam chowder was the best! We walked a good 5 miles and then stopped at the bakery and bought Nannimo Bars...a specialty of the area. Weather was warm but cloudy but no matter the weather...we are ready to continue to enjoy our days. We had another night of games...and many laughs. We slept in on Monday and then had a breakfast in our room with the view and the had another walk around the pier that we had missed the day before. We headed for the Ferry to Tsawwassen, BC and had another great crossing. This Ferry carried 500 cars plus passengers. We arrived in Tsawwassen at 1 PM and headed for a town called HOPE....(there is always hope...I thought of my friend Kathleen as we entered the town). We found a delightful diner for lunch...Maryann had punched in an address to the GPS from a restaurant she just picked off the TRAVEL ADVISOR...not even looking at the name and it was great! We drove the Cascade Mountains with some breathtaking views on our way to OSOYOOS, BC Canada. We found a place facing the lake and once again were able to enjoy the great sunset. Tom said he found a Dairy Queen two blocks as we just wanted a snack...well about almost a mile from the hotel we finally were in front of the Dairy Queen!!! hmmmmm
Of course Hugh commented a few times how it was only a 2 block walk. This AM we continued over the Cascade mountains and felt like we were in Switzerland...amazing waterfalls and snow on the mountains. We stopped at 1030 and had ice cream at this neat place Noreen and Hugh have gone to. Hugh has his Orange Shake...compared to the Orange Shake he had at DQ...it was definitely "the best he had had on the trip". We had such great days. It is a wonderfull feeling to spend time with friends that are family.
Now we are home ( It is great to call home where we are with friends!...thank you Noreen and Hugh for making us so comfortable!!
Since Saturday , we have been in frequent communication with Carrie. She took Buddi to Emergency on Saturday and found that his hematocrit was 13. He was not responding to Carrie. They gave him a Unit of Blood and the level went to 22-24 but fell again. They did further testing and ultrasound to see if bleeding..all were all negative. They did a bone marrow test last night and the results are not back yet. May have Aplastic Anemia. Carrie was able to take him home today and send pictures and he looks like he has life in his eyes today. The Hematocrit decreased today to 18 but they are watching and hope to have answers in a few days. They told Carrie there is medication they can give him and then will see how he does on the medication. It has been a very emotional time for us all but especially Carrie. We are at a wait and see now but just seeing him look better gives us hope. Difficult as we would like to be there for hugs for Carrie and Buddi. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. We thank Carrie's friends and Kelly for being able to spend time with Carrie. Buddi is so important to all of us..
We hope that all the fathers had a great day!!! Keep hugging your kids and family and friends.
I am still trying to figure out how to send pictures...as not able to do from the camera!
We are keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers as we travel.
Love and hugs
Tom and Maryann

Friday, June 17, 2011

17 June 2011

Wow, the days are flying by...
We spent a day in the Redwood Forest and the girls were excited with the walks and large trees.We drove our car through the tree and the girls were so thrilled to be able to be in the car. We had a nice walk in the forest and Kirsten sang loudly the entire time...no chance of seeing animals. Tom and Maryann took all three girls and headed for Spokane on Wednesday and Kelly and Bryan had a couple days to themselves. We arrived at Noreen and Hugh's about 9PM on Wednesday night. It was a long day for the girls as left Grants Pass at 0830 AM...we forgot how long it takes to stop and let the girls have a break, eat and potty breaks...each potty break took over 25 minutes before all were settled again. They were sooo good and no complaints from them! When we got to Noreen's and Hugh's it only took them 5 minutes to treat them like family. Carrie arrived Thursday eve and Kelly and Bryan on Thursday afternoon. The girls were delighted to see Auntie Carrie on Friday morning. We all went fishing on Friday with the girls. Molly caught 2 leaves. Samantha did not catch anything but did a great job holding her pole and looking very intent. Kirsten played on the playground with Auntie Carrie. Saturday we went to the park in downtown Spokane and all rode the merry go round and had a nice walk. Spokane was having an outbreak of "black fly bites"..of course one does not feel when the fly bites but it sucks blood so leaves bloody spots at the hair line....All the girls had bites so had to put benadryl spray on the bites after they were washed....Molly did not want to go outside after her encounter and was quite dramatic...Kirsten and Samantha did not seem to think was a big deal. Sunday we were in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho for the morning and spent Sunday Afternoon with Trina and Bill and family for a birthday BBQ for Trina's 40 + birthday. It was so nice to all be together...the girls jumped on the trampoline and Bill spent time dancing with the girls....yes we have video. We said our teary farewells to Bryan and Kelly and girls on Monday late morning as they left for Yellowstone park. They arrived back in Tucson on this past Thursday. Carrie was back to Tucson on Tuesday. We thank God for keeping us safe as we traveled. Tom and Maryann and Noreen and Hugh have spent the evenings playing all kinds of games. What fun and laughter and of course the guys so enjoy their winning...but Noreen and Maryann are winning too...but not appreciated as much by the guys.
Hugh got to be the passenger for once as Tom is the driver on this trip. We came over the Cascade mountains today and took some walks in the snow on the mountain tops and stopped in the town of Winthrop Washington and walked. AND walked over the Deception Pass Bridge. It was another perfect day. We will spend the day in Anacortes on the 18th and then take the ferry to Sidney on 19th. Will spend the night in Sidney BC , Canada and then got to Tawassen Canada by ferry and then take the southern route through Canada back to Spokane. We are staying at Whidbey Island Naval Lodge tonight. We went to the Apple Store to check on putting pictures on the blog from the Apple and found could not do. So I am still trying to figure out how to send some pictures ...
We appreciate all your prayers for safe travels....and are keeping you all in our thought and prayers.
God BLess and hugs
Tom and Maryann

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Where in the world are the Graue Family

We left Tucson at 0830 on 3 June....Kelly and Bryan and girls left at 0730.
We caught up to them in Oxnard,Ca...it was a long but safe day. On Sat., we stopped at the beach and the girls enjoyed walking in the sand..it was cool and windy. We Arrived in Monterey and and the weather cleared enough for us to walk on the pier and found the neatest park for the girls to play.Kirsten went on the biggest slides etc with Molly and Samantha. Maryann found out that she does not have as much fat on her tailbone to go down certain slides!!!
We went to the Monterey Aquarium on Sunday.It WOWED the girls.
Monday we started North to San Francisco an stayed at Moffit Field (we have been staying at Navy Lodges..really nice billets).Bryan was not feeling well, so the rest of us went to San Francisco and rode the trolly to Giladeri Square...it was cold(Maryann had on long johns and 2 coats) The street car trolly was out of service for the week...main reason,Kelly wanted to take the girls...but we recovered with the chocolate!...well nana did anyway.
KIRSTEN TALKED to Nana the 35 miles to and from the hotel...non stop!
Monday we drove to the REDWOODS and today took a hike...no need to worry about animals etc as Kirsten Talked LOUDLY the entire hike... Molly and Samantha did great.
What a pleasure to travel with them...they are natural travelers...of course Kirsten is riding with her Mom and Dad...and of course talking.
We stopped at the Paul Bunyan and Blue park on 101 today and remembered being there with Kelly and Carrie on our way to Hawaii in 1984!
We have been blessed with safe travels and the joy of making Family memories....we talked about missing Our Carrie...but decided with all the chatter etc...she did the right thing by flying to meet us in Spokane.
How does Maryann feel about retirement...it was time,but Maryann misses her daily encounters with her Davis Monthan Family...and will continue to miss each of you!
We are still trying to figure BLOGGING out...so let us know if you have suggestions. Will hope to add pictures soon.
God Bless and special hugs
Tom and Maryann

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Less than 24 hours until we HIT THE ROAD

I just got off the phone with my Blog Expert , George..so let us see how this goes.  I had a few technical questions that he expertly instructed me how to find my way through. 
All is ready except the packing , which we are getting ready to do.  Maryann will go into work and turn paperwork at 0730 and then we will be off.  Kelly and Bryan and girls hope to be on the road at 7AM and us by 8AM.  Will meet up with them on the road to Oxnard , California which is our first stop so can spend time on the beach in Monterey on Saturday.  Carrie will fly to Spokane on 9 June  and then fly home on the14 of June to spend time with Noreen and Hugh and Trina and family and us.  Kelly and Bryan will head home on the 14 or 15 June.
Keep us in your prayers to have safe travels.
WE are ready for this new adventure.
Tom and Maryann