Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Where in the world are the Graue Family

We left Tucson at 0830 on 3 June....Kelly and Bryan and girls left at 0730.
We caught up to them in Oxnard,Ca...it was a long but safe day. On Sat., we stopped at the beach and the girls enjoyed walking in the sand..it was cool and windy. We Arrived in Monterey and and the weather cleared enough for us to walk on the pier and found the neatest park for the girls to play.Kirsten went on the biggest slides etc with Molly and Samantha. Maryann found out that she does not have as much fat on her tailbone to go down certain slides!!!
We went to the Monterey Aquarium on Sunday.It WOWED the girls.
Monday we started North to San Francisco an stayed at Moffit Field (we have been staying at Navy Lodges..really nice billets).Bryan was not feeling well, so the rest of us went to San Francisco and rode the trolly to Giladeri Square...it was cold(Maryann had on long johns and 2 coats) The street car trolly was out of service for the week...main reason,Kelly wanted to take the girls...but we recovered with the chocolate!...well nana did anyway.
KIRSTEN TALKED to Nana the 35 miles to and from the hotel...non stop!
Monday we drove to the REDWOODS and today took a hike...no need to worry about animals etc as Kirsten Talked LOUDLY the entire hike... Molly and Samantha did great.
What a pleasure to travel with them...they are natural travelers...of course Kirsten is riding with her Mom and Dad...and of course talking.
We stopped at the Paul Bunyan and Blue park on 101 today and remembered being there with Kelly and Carrie on our way to Hawaii in 1984!
We have been blessed with safe travels and the joy of making Family memories....we talked about missing Our Carrie...but decided with all the chatter etc...she did the right thing by flying to meet us in Spokane.
How does Maryann feel about retirement...it was time,but Maryann misses her daily encounters with her Davis Monthan Family...and will continue to miss each of you!
We are still trying to figure BLOGGING out...so let us know if you have suggestions. Will hope to add pictures soon.
God Bless and special hugs
Tom and Maryann

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