Monday, April 4, 2016

4 April 2016 Cotswolds, England

I have been behind in my blogs.. But George had kept up with his...since my last writing, we have been to Snow Hills Manor.  A house like no other, Snowhill Manor is neither a museum , nor a home.  Charles Wade bought it in 1919 and restored it to keep all of his wonderous collections from all over England and the world.   These were things that he bought for simply his joy...and to share with the community.  We also  visited Averybury which is the largest stone circle in the world.   It is somewhat like Stonehenge and Neolithic Houses.    These houses show us how people lived 4500 years ago in Adobe type homes with thatched roofs.  Stonehenge is a masterpiece of engineering and building using only simple tools.  The stone Circle could have been a burial ground from its earliest beginnings as early as 3000 BC.    We also visited Warwick Castle which is a medieval castle built about 1068. ...even took a tour of the dungeon which was frightful!  We took a day to travel to Lakenheath Royal Air Force Base to secure billeting for when when we leave the Cotswolds.  We will stay there a couple of days before we head north to Scotland.
Maryann was seen by the doctor there for her stomach burning and they changed her medication.   She is able to eat a little more.
We have been driving around some beautiful country side.    Lots of farmland, sheep and lambs, quail and neat little villages with lovely flowers and some with thatched roofs.
We stopped at Waddesdon manor which was built by Baron Ferdinand Rothschild between 1874 and 1885 to display his outstanding collection of arms and to entertain the fashionable world.   Baron Rothschild never slept at the. Manor....just used for parties.   It was quite impressive.   Spent time walking about the estate...we had a lovely sunny day.    On our way home we stopped at "the Hollow Bottom Inn" for dinner which was recommended by Nicola, the owner of  "Kate's Cottage" where we are staying.   What a gem in the middle of the country...had a great dinner.   Since it was a nice sunny day...we also went to Stratford Upon Avon and took a boat ride on the river.   The town is popular as it is the birthplace of William Shakespeare and there is a Royal Shakespeare Theate there so we
booked tickets for Saturday and went back to see Hamlet.   We had great seats and really enjoyed the performance...of course it was a play using current times instead of in the time of Shakespeare.    We also visited Anne Hathaway( Shakespeare's wife's) home and walked about the garden.   Once again we had a lovely sunny day to be out and about.
Yesterday we went to the Roman Villas that is near our village.   It was one of the larger Romano-British villas in the country from the 4th century.   We walked about the grounds.  Again, we had a nice day with more sun than clouds.
Today , we went to Bibury.  It has some very picturesque cottages.   We went late in the morning and was lucky to have the sun to come out while we were on our way.   We even saw a Black Swan.
And on the way saw some black cows with a wide white area in the middle.   Also called "Oreo Cookie" cows.   They are a hardy breed of cows from Scotland.   They are one of the oldest breeds of cows in the world.      Last evening we ate at The Plough in Ford....a village not far from here but in the country ....saw some more lovely "narrow" roads and country sides.
Tom is doing a great job in driving these "single track roads"...which means one car has to pull over so the other can pass by.  George is manning the Garmen.   Pat and I are giving advice "sometimes" from the backseat.
Today we went to Bibury and then came back to Stow and walked about and visited one of the churches here.   We stopped at a bakery and bought some pastries.....bought echairs in memory of our travels to Paris several years ago when we lived in Germany and ate them in memory of our friend  Jim Lettner!!
We had sad news that Maryann's Aunt Annie passed away..we will miss visiting with her on our trips to Lancaster.  Maryann has a lot of fond memories of spending time with her Aunt growing up.
It is raining on and off today so was a good day for us to stay and enjoy our cottage.
We will be leaving here on Thursday for Lakenheath for a few days before we start north to Scotland.
Our cottage is very comfortable and we have made it our home for the past days.   Nicola who owns the cottage is very welcoming and we enjoy talking with her.  
We were able to "FACETIME" WITH EMME AND CARRIE AND KELLY, MOLLY AND SAMANTHA AND KIRSTEN" and my sister Joan on the weekend as they are 8 hours behind us.  
We were going to go into London by train but decided would stay here in the country towns as we have all been to London before.
Also, check out Pat and George's   Will give you more information about our wonderfilled adventure.
We are laughing a lot everyday.
Keep us in your daily prayers for safe travels.
We miss you all and keep you all in our daily prayers.  
Please keep Imogen and her family in your prayers.  Imogen a 3 year old  who is a fighter who is in the hospital getting chemo therapy for her cancer treatment.

This was on the wall of one of the places we had dinner.....

Love and hugs,

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