Saturday, April 9, 2016

8 April 2016. Lakenheath

Hi from RAF Lakenheath.
We left our comfortable home at Kate's Cottage yesterday and arrived here at Lakenheath about 3 hours later.   If  you or anyone you know are going to be traveling to Cotswalds, Nicola who owns Kate's Cottage and is renovating several old building next door is very accomadating and would give them a 10+ rating... The new ones in the old buildings will also have American Washer and Dryers!   We seemed to have some issues with the English washer and dryers and they are very small.  The area is just couple blocks off the town square in Stow-on-the-Wold.  And From our dining area and living area, we could look out and see a nice country field.  We feel like we have a friend in Stow now.  Already miss the stone fences and small rural area with all the beautiful little cottages...sheep and lambs all over the green countryside.    BUT now we are seeing a different kind of beauty here in Lakenheath.
Before we left, we visited Twekesbury Abbey which was built from 1102 to 1121 to house the Benedictine monks.  It was a huge Abbey and the grounds and the inside were amazing.  We are traveling with Flat Kirsten so are having fun with her and taking pictures to send back to our "regular" Kitsten!!!
We are now seeing a different kind of beauty here in Lakenheath and this part of  East Anglia which is East of England which borders the North Sea to the north and east.   In fact yesterday we spent the day driving to Cromer and walking about the town and down around the beach.  When we left Lakenheath the sky was cloudy and looked like rain but when we arrived at Cromer Beach, the sky was blue and the sun was out.    We had a lovely walk around this neat little town with old style buildings.  Cromer is know as the "gem of the Norfolk Coast".  Even though the sun was out it was only about 50  degrees so we were amazed to see how many little ones were playing in the ocean waves.  We even visited the Henry Blogg Lifeboats Museum down on the wharf.   It was quite interesting.   As we walked the pier, we saw several people fishing for crabs.   We found a nice little restaurant for lunch that was on the second story overlooking the North Sea and had a lovely lunch..of course had to have crabcakes from the local area.    Tom then drove us to Great Yarmouth which is another beach town but we were not impressed. Enjoyed Cromer much more.  Great Yarmouth was very commercialized and we are now beyond the age of enjoying a carnival atmosphere.   Although the beach seemed very nice.  
This area of East Anglia is mostly flatlands. We see lands separated by green hedges and trees planted that seem to section off properties vs. the flat stone fences . We are seeing lots of fields planted with what looks like yellow flowers but it is "oilseed rape".  I researched this and it seems that they can get more for this crop than vegetables etc.  As the oilseed is being used in mayonnaise, margarine, salads and has low saturated fat and high in omega-3 and some even claim it is better than sunflower oil so brings a better price.  (Rapeseed is one particular type of canola) We also saw a lot of this planted when we traveled throughout Canada several years ago.
We are just enjoying our days with Pat and George. Still lots of laughing.  It seems odd to be staying in two different rooms since we shared the cottage for 2 weeks!!  Today it is raining out .   We went in town and  had a nice breakfast this morning.   Our plans for tomorrow are to head north to Hope and Lancaster , England before we head to Scotland.   Pat and George do geniology and some of Pat's family came from Lancaster, England.  
Maryann was seen again at the base for her stomach and started on a new medication.  She is able to eat more in the last couple of days. We continue to follow our plan for what we are going to do on our adventure...maybe we should have added another month!!!!    Tom is still doing great  driving ...only had two episodes the entire trip when we noticed that we were not on the correct side of the road and wondered why  a car was coming directly towards us.   Of course on most of the roads , we have been traveling...they are one track roads so if another car is coming...must find a pull out or back up to proceed.    George is still doing great monitoring the Garmen.   Pat and I are still monitoring all from the back and give input as we feel needed.
We want to let you all know that we love and miss you and keep you all in our daily prayers.
Our friend's daughter Imogen is having a better day but still needs prayers as she proceeds with her chemo treatments.


And Tom and I have always found this such a truth!!!   Thank you Pat and George for taking this adventure with us.

George has been able to post pictures with the help of Alaistair so can check his blog at
Love and hugs.
Tom and Maryann

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