Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Prince Edward Island..24 July 2011

We are in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
We came to Nova Scotia and spent the night in Amherst and drove thru north Northern NS and stopped at Tatamagouche at a farmers market and the sun was out...what fun..and then off to New Glasgow and explored this small town. It started raining so drove to Cape Breton Island to North Sydney just in time to catch the 7 hour ferry to Newfoundland. It was a comfortable Trip but we were both freezing...temp must have been 50 degrees. Maryann had her poncho liner so we shared...she also had her winter jacket..so fared better than Tom! We were not allowed to go down to the car to get stuffs...
It was a night crossing so had gotten there at 9PM for the 11 PM boarding...we arrived in
Port aux Basque...on the South East coast at 0730. NF was in a different time zone by it self...30 min ahead of Atlantic Standard time...it took us a day to realize!!!
We went to Gros Morme National Park and drove through the park and stopped frequently..we came across an old wooden church that we checked out. We found a neat spot and watched the sunset as we had a picnic of fish and chips...yes, we have been eating late..as sunset at 9 PM.
We stayed in a Nice KOA camp ground...about midnight....it poured for a few hours but was only sprinkling when we woke. Sleeping in the car is comfortable...except there are so many
mosquito...Maryann has OFF and walks to and from shower ready to spray...and sprays around the
car etc.....hmmmm.
We drove over several mountains to get to Gander on the 18th July. We secured billeting at Canadian Forces Air Force for two nights...the staff there were great..don't seem to have many Americans come through...our SUITE... Minimal furniture...was 2 rooms with bath and shower...They gave us sheets to make our bed and towels...no housekeeping service...that was OK as all was clean and $25/night with free laundry. Maryann was cold and the thermostat did not seem to work...so Tom went to inquire....the heat was off for the summer...temp at Gander was 50!!
Maryann slept in her winter long johns and thick socks!!!! And of course just had the poncho liner as no blankets....We spent the next 2 days exploring the north coast and Twillingate. WE took a boat to the Laborador Sea and saw Ice Bergs AND the moving of a house from one island to another on a wooden floor that was floated with barrels ...interesting.
By the way...Maryann had on several layers and her gloves she bought came in handy..it was cold and windy on the boat. We also visited a Indian interpretive center that gave us info on the history of the area. The staff at Gander called St Johns for Maryann ..our phones are not working here...and arranged for a suite....hmmmm there at the Canadian Navy base. What family
we have in the military. They go above and beyond for us. Well, our suite in St Johns was
like a 5 star...for $25!!
St Johns is a neat little town with colorful homes of bright colors. We drove down the Irish coast of Newfoundland and took a 2 hr boat trip in the Atlantic and saw 2 whales and a thousand Puffins...neat birds. We had to go and see as used to read a book to Molly about Puffins...We selected OBRIEN'S boat tours...what friendly folks. Each time we have gone on a boat..there was a singer and then a young man playing an accordion to entertain us on the way.
We also went to a light house and stood at the point most easterly in North America. Maryann was able to see 3 whales in a bay we were going by...saw the water spray...we can't seem to see Moose but saw whales way out in the bay'!!!!!!! Also went to Signal Hill..the first fort that was built for defense in NF. We are doing some history, religious and just stuff. We visited a town where all were relocated during WW2...it was a moving story. Lots of lakes and funny looking trees...not tall trees. The flowers just growing wild along the highway and just beautiful. We did see ONE moose cross the highway in front of us...the camera was not ready to document the crossing...of course. WE have seen DANGER MOOSE signs since we started from western Canada....The scenery is just so green and beautiful, we are not able to capture on our pictures. It was time to take the ferry from Argentia,NF...besides the rains had returned to NF....
We arrived at the ferry 2 hrs early as needed for our 7PM departure and had bologna and cheese sandwiches in the car...reminded us of travels when we were young...they tasted great.
It was a 14 hr ferry trip...we had prepared for a cold trip....but it was fairly warm. We found a nice area of the ship were there were seats for 40 but only about 8 of us in the area.
Being on a ferry is better than flying as can get up and walk....big ship.
We arrived in Cape Breton Island, NS and headed back across by a different route.
And stopped and walked in a few towns and arrived at Caribu just in time for the next ferry to Prince Edward Island. There are so many interesting small villages we have walked..just pass on the larger towns. We went through a town called FIVE HOUSES....yep, it had 5 houses!!!!
The sun was shining when we got to Woods Island PEI. We drove to Georgetown and paid for a camp ground and went to have fish...having lots of fish as sooo fresh. As we finished , there was a downpour...with winds. We were going to wait it out...but it continued..it was interesting setting up the car to sleep without getting out of the car....hmmmm..but we did!
We got all settled then realized we were going to bed at 7:30! It poured most of the night.
But had stopped when we woke...but grounds were soaked. Just another adventure!
We headed out for the day in thick fog but as we reached our destination...the sun was out.
We walked about Cavendish where "Anne of Green Gables" author lived. PEI is fairly flat with lots of dairy farms and potato fields...and red dirt. A beauty of it's own.
We traveled to Charlottetown and have been here for two days..again neat villages to explore.
We went to see a play last night and tonight to see a fun light show shown with folklore music and history of city. We plan to head for New Brunswick tomorrow sometime..over a 8 mile bridge called Confederation Bridge and then head southeast to ST JOHNS NB. So many towns in each providence have same names as in the next providence.
Plays havoc with the GPS.
We have been out of phone contact....miss talking to Kelly and Carrie...and Molly, Samantha and Kirsten. EMail tells us Buddi was feeling good enough to go to Kelly's for Molly's birthday.
Can you believe she is 7 now!!!! Molly and Samantha had good first week of school.
We will head for Maine after finish in NB.
We are making lots of good memories and it is still so good to spend our days together after all these days of JUST US!!!
We are looking forward to spending time with Pete and Linda in Plymouth in the next week. It will be good to spend time with family again...after all that is what life is about.
Gas prices are rising here...our lexus is good on gas but costing $90+ when needs a full tank!
Tom has been fantastic with his driving ...the GPS has helped too! Maryann has also been doing some Map reading...hmmmmm. When she asked Tom if she was as "efficient and entertaining as our friend Larry"who is the Garmen when we travel together...he said "ahhhh..you are much better than normal". Was that a YES?.....don't think so...then he quickly added...."But I love you!!!! Hmmmmm mm
Sending our love and thoughts to each of you.
We appreciate all your thoughts and prayers as we continue our adventure.
Love and Hugs
Tom and Maryann

Friday, July 15, 2011


Good Evening to each of you who are following our travels,
We are in Amherst, Nova Scotia this evening...at a hotel tonight. Gee cannot believe that has been over a week since last posted.
We left Winnipeg and went to Minnesota to gas the car as gas is per liter here and is $1.26-$1.30 Canadian...and besides we had never been to Minnesota!!!!!!..it was only a few miles across the border. It was fields and more fields and cattle from Winnipeg to Thunder Bay. Tom and I played the ABC game and it took us 45 miles to complete the game as very few signs etc...hmmmm. We did some walking around the Thunder Bay area and then headed for Niagra Falls.
The drive around Thunder Bay to Seute St Marie was a nice change with lots of water and cute little towns...we did stop and walk and saw some deer. We then came out of Canada...which took us 1 and 1/2 hours to get across a two mile bridge into Michigan..this was to be a short cut thru Michigan to get to Niagra Falls, Canada...hmmmm. Then we had bought an apple in Canada and when we came across the border...they asked if we had fruit...we said we had one apple so then we had to go to another border patrol person and show her THE ONE APPLE...which she pointed out to us was grown in Washington state...hmmmm. We then headed to Niagra Falls thru Michigan and then back into Ontario to get to Niagra Falls....as wanted to be there by Sunday as we had called my sister, Joan and her Tom and asked them if they could meet us in Niagra Falls...and they could. We noted that there was an AF Inn in Niagra Falls, New York ( which was about 20 minutes from the Canadian border) so called and made reservations and arrived at 1130 at night!!!! LONG DAY.. Joan and Tom arrived in the morning and we deceided that the long drive was so worth it as so good to spend time with them. We walked all throughout the park on the New York side and decided we might take the boat trip under the falls....but then Maryann and Joan had second thoughts as they saw how the boat swayed near the falls and there were about 75 people on the boat and no life jackets. We told the guys they could still go. We went to the Canada side of Niagra Falls that evening and saw the falls at night with color lights shown on them and then they also had fireworks. How beautiful. We went to Canada the next day and went to the flower clock...was a disappointment...as Maryann had remembered it with so many more colorful flowers from when she was younger. We had a wonderful couple hours at the Butterfly Conservatory..how neat was that..Tom had several butterflies land on him...Maryann did everything she could think of to get them to land on her...finally one landed in her hair..Joan has a picture! We traveled to some neat little towns like Lewiston and Lockport (saw boats go through the locks on the Erie Canal) lots of walking. AND of course played cards and dice with Joan and Tom....and Laughed ALOT!!! The AF INN was a really nice place to be able to stay. We all left on Wednesday early morning (13th July)..we always have great fun with Joan and Tom so was sad to see them go. They live about 3 hours from Niagra Falls..but will see them again when we go to PA. We headed back to Canada thru Watertown New York..as years ago we had traveled from Toronto to Quebec etc.so did not feel we needed to travel that route again. Well it took lots of time to get thru Quebec and the traffic was terrible and the road signs were very confusing. After we got thru Quebec we were not tired so decided to drive a bit longer...well when we WERE tired, all the campgrounds were closed for the night and there were not hotels on the road..so we fin all pulled into a rest area with the trucks about 1130 east of Quebec in the middle of nowhere..Tom deceided to sleep in the front seat and Maryann made her a place in the back to sleep..it was like sleeping in a cocoon for Maryann as she had the luggage etc around her..but we both managed to sleep for 8 hours!!! Thank goodness for the nice bathrooms at the roadside rest and very hot water!!!! Yesterday we traveled the river valley scenic drive in New Brunswick.Yesterday we stopped and walked a few times and then stopped in Grand Falls New Brunswick and took a pontoon boat into a gorge. It was a beautiful day and just perfect to be on the water. We then drove to Miramichi through the Miramichi river route in New Brunswick. The country side has lots of lakes and rivers and just so peaceful. We stayed at a campground last evening ...nice hot showers..we took a shower before bed and again this AM. We had forgotten that there was another time change until we checked our cell phones so quickly found a campground before they closed!!! We woke late this AM and walked around Miramichi waterfront and found a nice hotel restaurant for breakfast. We then walked around the town before we headed down the Acadian Coast. The road followed the Atlantic Ocean and went thru more beautiful country. Someone asked Us today what was our favorite place so far..we could not think of just one as each day brings more beauty and memorial places. We stopped today and took a mile walk at an ECO Centra at La Dune de Bouctouche which is a boardwalk built on a stretch of white sand dunes. It was a bit windy today but still a refreshing walk. We were on our way to Prince Edward Island..just about to go over the bridge when we stopped at an information stop and it was 62 degrees and windy and rainey...so we checked on what the temps were to be like for the next couple days and found that rain and cold..so we decided to come to Nova Scotia and head for Newfoundland and then visit Prince Edward Island on the way back.
What blessed safe days we have had. Tom is a wonder at driving. It is nice just to be together...even after all these days. We are looking at a beautiful blue and deep pink sky out our hotel window.
We wake each morning and decide what and where we will go.
We also want to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for Carrie and Buddi...it is nearly a miracle but when Carrie called on yesterday she said that Buddi's Blood count is in the high 30's now and he has started to want to eat on his own again...He is still weak but is starting to wag his tail and do some low pitched barking and follow Carrie around. Carrie never gave up on him...even when all seemed so serious...What a good Mom she is to Buddi. Not sure wht the future brings for Buddi but for now we are just so excited he is getting back to routine.. His doctor had started decreasing his medications and he is transitioning back to dog food vs people food...now that could take some time!!! Maryann had told Carrie to give him a piece of Chocolate when he was soo sick but she only relented when all looked grimm and gave him a small piece of white chocolate....that may have made his red blood cell count increase...hmmm NOT!!!
Tom is amazing to be able to drive for so long. Maryann keeps offering to drive and guess what...Maryann actually drove for 3 hours continuous after we left Winnipeg....Tom actually took a short nap too and was amazed that we were still on the road when he woke up..as Maryann will usually just pull over when he falls asleep!!! Maryann had never driven so long on a trip so was amazed how neat it was to have cruise control...and even mastered how to use it!!!
We have found that Canada has the absolute best tourist information centers...unbelievable staff and knowledge and exactly the right handout information. They are so clean and have WIFI and the cleanest rest rooms. Their roadside rest areas are also very clean and well kept.
There is a tourist center in nearly every town or area of interest..and before you enter and leave each providence. Free maps etc too!
Yes, we do miss our girls!
So, tomorrow starts another adventure. We have visited some beautifull churches and a shrine to the Lady of Fatima was unique. We take the time to thank God for all our blessings and ask for blessings for all those we love and have special needs.
We do not live by the calendar or the clock for this trip....it feels good.
Do miss talking with you all and keep you in our thoughts.
We think we will be in Nova Scotia for a couple days and head to Newfoundland for another few days before we head back to Prince Edward Island for at least 4 days before we head back through New Brunswick by way of the Fundy Southern Coast and down into Maine...to Plymouth to visit with Pete and Linda for a few days. Our trip has been made so special by being able to spend time with friends and family on the way.
We love and think of you all.
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers for safe travels...we have now put close to 7-8 thousand miles on the Lexus on this trip!!!
Love and hugs to each of you.
God Bless
Tom and Maryann

Thursday, July 7, 2011

7July 2011-Winnipeg

Hello from Winnipeg, Manitoba,Canada
We arrived here on Tuesday night and decided to stay for a few days.
We left Regina and headed to Saskatoon. Walked in a nice pArk and then went to the Berry Barn for dinner. They grow Saskatoon berries and they are very tasty. The restaurant also had the nicest flowers and flower baskets. Food was wonderful..even had peroigi and cabbage rolls..which were just so good...and the berry tarts etc ....hmmmmm good.
We headed to Prince Albert and felt we Would drive to Prince Albert National Park as still light and not tired...does not get dark until nearly 11PM here.
As we stopped and were driving we noted that since we left SaskAtoon....the number of flying bugs had increased by MANY?..and tripled in size...looked like small humming birds!!!!!!REALLY
When we got to park to check into camp.....just asking information....the bugs flew into the car....so we asked the girl about hotels and the great number of bugs....she said that even during the day.....lots ob bugs....So we decided to head back to Prince Albert(90min away)..to camp....but the bug population had increased there too...so time to find a hotel.just walking into McDonalds to check hotels on IPAD...was like scarey with bugs. We did see several deer and a fox on our travels.....hmmmm. We did get to see the Northern Lights!!!!
At midnight..we arrived at the hotel....the person at the desk was less than pleasant....did not even acknowledge Maryann...until she said "hello"---and when she asked to see the room....hmmmm...but he showed to her...it was a nice room. BUT then he would not give Maryann the rate on line...so Maryann stood at the desk and booked the room on line...Tom was in the car waiting...hmmmmm. 45 min later we were getting into bed. The next morning Maryann...of course...asked the manager if the night guy had had a bad day...then with her tack...though he may have been and may need some help with customer service....the manager thanked Maryann for noticing that the night guy may need assistance.....hmmmm
We headed to Winnipeg thru flat lands...all farm and cattle land...flat!!!! We visited a above ground salt mine that we came upon. AS we looked for a place to stay..we noted an Canadian AF base in Winnipeg and decided to drive the extra time and stay here. We got here about 11 PM..and decided to stay 3 nights ...so we did. yesterday we went to the car wash named the BUG BATH and Tom spent time getting all the bugs off the car. It was time for an oil change as we have traveled 5000 miles and a tire rotation....so off we went to the Lexus dealer and are ready for another few miles! Also Maryann had a minor accident so found a Lens Crafter to fix. We then went to the Forks and walked about the river front and had dinner. The water levels are over the river banks here.
We slept in yesterday and today. Today we visited a couple parks and churches and walked about.
Tomorrow we head to Thunder Bay, Ontario.
The quarters here are very nice and we were able to do laundry...and Tom ironed!!!
We have been in frequent contact with Carrie as Buddi had a good 4 days with her and then Tuesday back to the hospital. Yesterday he spent the day in his vets actual office with him so he could keep an eye on him. All looked very grim yesterday as he was not eating or drinking..today..he is eating and going home with Carrie. Please remember Carrie in your thoughts as she has some tough decisions to make.
Weather was a bit warm today..but otherwise perfect.
We are going to try to SKYPE with Kelly tonight..
We have heard from many that unable to make comments on the blog....so if anyone..George???...
Knows how...let us know so we can share.
Our email is t.graue@cox.net
Thank you for your prayers for us as we have safe travels.
God Bless and hugs
Tom and Maryann

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy 4th of Juyl

Hello all,
Happy 4th of July and thank you all who have served our country in anyway!
Tonight we are in Regina, Canada.
We left Spokane and the wonderful days with Noreen and Hugh and Trina and family. The last week we were there , we were able to relax...some more...walk some beautiful parks in Spokane and of course play cards and Aggravation..the game board Hugh made years ago was certainly put to use...I will also tell you that Noreen and Maryann won the last games...again!! Maryann even won when playing WIZARD!!! Tom cooked breakfast for dinner for The Carters and Trina's family one evening. How fun to spend time together.
Tom packed the car on Thursday ...including the cargo carrier we purchased and we left early Friday Morning ..the 1st of July. It was a tearful farewell as Noreen and Hugh and Trina's family are just like leaving family. Will miss the great food that Noreen prepared for us too..and the GOOD MORNING SONG that Hugh sang us each morning!!!
But HIT THE ROAD WE DID... We traveled thru Idaho to HWY 95 to HWY 3 and over the Canadian Rocky Mountains...we thought we were back in the ALPS. We traveled thru Crowsnest Pass and on to Lethridge Alberta, Canada. We stopped several times to take a walk or just to stop..WE ARE RETIRE YOU KNOW.... We stayed 2 nights in Henderson Park Campground...Did we mention that we had brought our sleeping bags and planned to do some camping...not cooking...just sleeping in campgrounds. We had a great 2 nights and Lethridge is a neat town and many neat parks that we walked. Found a nice church for mass too. Maryann discovered that she should take the grand girls pictures in the shower room as a woman she was talking to...took out her pictures to show ...so memo to self...take the camera to the washroom!!! Of course this AM found the battery had died on the camera...it is now plugged in. It was refreshing waking and walking to the washroom...Maryann did not even need to wear her long johns during the night! Weather has been perfect. The first night we were tired so did not put the mattress under the sleeping bags..but last night it was great having the soft mattress. Darkness does not come until about 10 PM..so strange to go to bed and still be daylight. We did take a drive to Montana border town on Saturday as we did not have phone service and wanted to check on Carrie and Buddi..even filled up with gas on the US side to save some $$$. We traveled route 3 though some neat towns and lots of fields and cattle ranches...very flat compared to what we saw yesterday. One could see for miles ahead as the road was so straight and no hills. Found that the fields full of yellow crops were actually canola plants to make canola oil. We also came upon an above ground salt mine in the middle of this flat country. We did take a walk to day and saw the tallest TEEPEE..from the worlds fair...out in the middle of nowhere. Tonight we are in Regina Saskatchewan Canada. We are in a hotel tonight...thus able to have computer access. Tomorrow will check out Regina and then head north to the lake region of Saskatoon.
As of Yesterday , Buddi had had another admission to the hospital and another blood transfusion last week . His HCT was back down to 14 and he had fluid in his abdomen,he came home on Thursday eve with Carrie now ..he is still very weak but Carrie said that her Vet still has hope. Please keep them in your thoughts and say some prayers for them both. Carrie did say that Buddi raised his head when Maryann talked to him over the phone and told him that Carrie should give him a piece of chocolate!!! Carrie will have been off work for the long weekend so able to spend lots of time with our Buddi.
Maryann did get some reading ...finally ....done after miles of farm land and fields of cattle, she needed another distraction. She still loves her KINDLE. Certainly saw a lot of the the plains today. She even asked Tom a couple of times if he wanted her to drive...he declined...for now.
We did get a chance to speak with some of you this week...how nice to hear your voices. Even though we are some distance from you all...we keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.
We plan to do some more sleeping camping in our car in the lake region this week. Tom even bought a pump that he can plug into the car to blow up the mattress...was not sure Maryann had enough air to blow it up!!! haha
Good Night to all our dear friends.
God Bless your days
Love and hugs
Tom and Maryann