Thursday, July 7, 2011

7July 2011-Winnipeg

Hello from Winnipeg, Manitoba,Canada
We arrived here on Tuesday night and decided to stay for a few days.
We left Regina and headed to Saskatoon. Walked in a nice pArk and then went to the Berry Barn for dinner. They grow Saskatoon berries and they are very tasty. The restaurant also had the nicest flowers and flower baskets. Food was wonderful..even had peroigi and cabbage rolls..which were just so good...and the berry tarts etc ....hmmmmm good.
We headed to Prince Albert and felt we Would drive to Prince Albert National Park as still light and not tired...does not get dark until nearly 11PM here.
As we stopped and were driving we noted that since we left SaskAtoon....the number of flying bugs had increased by MANY?..and tripled in size...looked like small humming birds!!!!!!REALLY
When we got to park to check into camp.....just asking information....the bugs flew into the we asked the girl about hotels and the great number of bugs....she said that even during the day.....lots ob bugs....So we decided to head back to Prince Albert(90min away) camp....but the bug population had increased there time to find a hotel.just walking into McDonalds to check hotels on IPAD...was like scarey with bugs. We did see several deer and a fox on our travels.....hmmmm. We did get to see the Northern Lights!!!!
At midnight..we arrived at the hotel....the person at the desk was less than pleasant....did not even acknowledge Maryann...until she said "hello"---and when she asked to see the room....hmmmm...but he showed to was a nice room. BUT then he would not give Maryann the rate on Maryann stood at the desk and booked the room on line...Tom was in the car waiting...hmmmmm. 45 min later we were getting into bed. The next morning Maryann...of course...asked the manager if the night guy had had a bad day...then with her tack...though he may have been and may need some help with customer service....the manager thanked Maryann for noticing that the night guy may need assistance.....hmmmm
We headed to Winnipeg thru flat lands...all farm and cattle land...flat!!!! We visited a above ground salt mine that we came upon. AS we looked for a place to stay..we noted an Canadian AF base in Winnipeg and decided to drive the extra time and stay here. We got here about 11 PM..and decided to stay 3 nights we did. yesterday we went to the car wash named the BUG BATH and Tom spent time getting all the bugs off the car. It was time for an oil change as we have traveled 5000 miles and a tire off we went to the Lexus dealer and are ready for another few miles! Also Maryann had a minor accident so found a Lens Crafter to fix. We then went to the Forks and walked about the river front and had dinner. The water levels are over the river banks here.
We slept in yesterday and today. Today we visited a couple parks and churches and walked about.
Tomorrow we head to Thunder Bay, Ontario.
The quarters here are very nice and we were able to do laundry...and Tom ironed!!!
We have been in frequent contact with Carrie as Buddi had a good 4 days with her and then Tuesday back to the hospital. Yesterday he spent the day in his vets actual office with him so he could keep an eye on him. All looked very grim yesterday as he was not eating or is eating and going home with Carrie. Please remember Carrie in your thoughts as she has some tough decisions to make.
Weather was a bit warm today..but otherwise perfect.
We are going to try to SKYPE with Kelly tonight..
We have heard from many that unable to make comments on the if anyone..George???...
Knows how...let us know so we can share.
Our email is
Thank you for your prayers for us as we have safe travels.
God Bless and hugs
Tom and Maryann

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