Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy 4th of Juyl

Hello all,
Happy 4th of July and thank you all who have served our country in anyway!
Tonight we are in Regina, Canada.
We left Spokane and the wonderful days with Noreen and Hugh and Trina and family. The last week we were there , we were able to relax...some more...walk some beautiful parks in Spokane and of course play cards and Aggravation..the game board Hugh made years ago was certainly put to use...I will also tell you that Noreen and Maryann won the last games...again!! Maryann even won when playing WIZARD!!! Tom cooked breakfast for dinner for The Carters and Trina's family one evening. How fun to spend time together.
Tom packed the car on Thursday ...including the cargo carrier we purchased and we left early Friday Morning ..the 1st of July. It was a tearful farewell as Noreen and Hugh and Trina's family are just like leaving family. Will miss the great food that Noreen prepared for us too..and the GOOD MORNING SONG that Hugh sang us each morning!!!
But HIT THE ROAD WE DID... We traveled thru Idaho to HWY 95 to HWY 3 and over the Canadian Rocky Mountains...we thought we were back in the ALPS. We traveled thru Crowsnest Pass and on to Lethridge Alberta, Canada. We stopped several times to take a walk or just to stop..WE ARE RETIRE YOU KNOW.... We stayed 2 nights in Henderson Park Campground...Did we mention that we had brought our sleeping bags and planned to do some camping...not cooking...just sleeping in campgrounds. We had a great 2 nights and Lethridge is a neat town and many neat parks that we walked. Found a nice church for mass too. Maryann discovered that she should take the grand girls pictures in the shower room as a woman she was talking to...took out her pictures to show memo to self...take the camera to the washroom!!! Of course this AM found the battery had died on the is now plugged in. It was refreshing waking and walking to the washroom...Maryann did not even need to wear her long johns during the night! Weather has been perfect. The first night we were tired so did not put the mattress under the sleeping bags..but last night it was great having the soft mattress. Darkness does not come until about 10 strange to go to bed and still be daylight. We did take a drive to Montana border town on Saturday as we did not have phone service and wanted to check on Carrie and Buddi..even filled up with gas on the US side to save some $$$. We traveled route 3 though some neat towns and lots of fields and cattle ranches...very flat compared to what we saw yesterday. One could see for miles ahead as the road was so straight and no hills. Found that the fields full of yellow crops were actually canola plants to make canola oil. We also came upon an above ground salt mine in the middle of this flat country. We did take a walk to day and saw the tallest TEEPEE..from the worlds fair...out in the middle of nowhere. Tonight we are in Regina Saskatchewan Canada. We are in a hotel tonight...thus able to have computer access. Tomorrow will check out Regina and then head north to the lake region of Saskatoon.
As of Yesterday , Buddi had had another admission to the hospital and another blood transfusion last week . His HCT was back down to 14 and he had fluid in his abdomen,he came home on Thursday eve with Carrie now ..he is still very weak but Carrie said that her Vet still has hope. Please keep them in your thoughts and say some prayers for them both. Carrie did say that Buddi raised his head when Maryann talked to him over the phone and told him that Carrie should give him a piece of chocolate!!! Carrie will have been off work for the long weekend so able to spend lots of time with our Buddi.
Maryann did get some reading ...finally ....done after miles of farm land and fields of cattle, she needed another distraction. She still loves her KINDLE. Certainly saw a lot of the the plains today. She even asked Tom a couple of times if he wanted her to drive...he declined...for now.
We did get a chance to speak with some of you this nice to hear your voices. Even though we are some distance from you all...we keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.
We plan to do some more sleeping camping in our car in the lake region this week. Tom even bought a pump that he can plug into the car to blow up the mattress...was not sure Maryann had enough air to blow it up!!! haha
Good Night to all our dear friends.
God Bless your days
Love and hugs
Tom and Maryann

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