Friday, July 15, 2011


Good Evening to each of you who are following our travels,
We are in Amherst, Nova Scotia this a hotel tonight. Gee cannot believe that has been over a week since last posted.
We left Winnipeg and went to Minnesota to gas the car as gas is per liter here and is $1.26-$1.30 Canadian...and besides we had never been to Minnesota!!!!!! was only a few miles across the border. It was fields and more fields and cattle from Winnipeg to Thunder Bay. Tom and I played the ABC game and it took us 45 miles to complete the game as very few signs etc...hmmmm. We did some walking around the Thunder Bay area and then headed for Niagra Falls.
The drive around Thunder Bay to Seute St Marie was a nice change with lots of water and cute little towns...we did stop and walk and saw some deer. We then came out of Canada...which took us 1 and 1/2 hours to get across a two mile bridge into Michigan..this was to be a short cut thru Michigan to get to Niagra Falls, Canada...hmmmm. Then we had bought an apple in Canada and when we came across the border...they asked if we had fruit...we said we had one apple so then we had to go to another border patrol person and show her THE ONE APPLE...which she pointed out to us was grown in Washington state...hmmmm. We then headed to Niagra Falls thru Michigan and then back into Ontario to get to Niagra wanted to be there by Sunday as we had called my sister, Joan and her Tom and asked them if they could meet us in Niagra Falls...and they could. We noted that there was an AF Inn in Niagra Falls, New York ( which was about 20 minutes from the Canadian border) so called and made reservations and arrived at 1130 at night!!!! LONG DAY.. Joan and Tom arrived in the morning and we deceided that the long drive was so worth it as so good to spend time with them. We walked all throughout the park on the New York side and decided we might take the boat trip under the falls....but then Maryann and Joan had second thoughts as they saw how the boat swayed near the falls and there were about 75 people on the boat and no life jackets. We told the guys they could still go. We went to the Canada side of Niagra Falls that evening and saw the falls at night with color lights shown on them and then they also had fireworks. How beautiful. We went to Canada the next day and went to the flower clock...was a Maryann had remembered it with so many more colorful flowers from when she was younger. We had a wonderful couple hours at the Butterfly neat was that..Tom had several butterflies land on him...Maryann did everything she could think of to get them to land on her...finally one landed in her hair..Joan has a picture! We traveled to some neat little towns like Lewiston and Lockport (saw boats go through the locks on the Erie Canal) lots of walking. AND of course played cards and dice with Joan and Tom....and Laughed ALOT!!! The AF INN was a really nice place to be able to stay. We all left on Wednesday early morning (13th July)..we always have great fun with Joan and Tom so was sad to see them go. They live about 3 hours from Niagra Falls..but will see them again when we go to PA. We headed back to Canada thru Watertown New years ago we had traveled from Toronto to Quebec did not feel we needed to travel that route again. Well it took lots of time to get thru Quebec and the traffic was terrible and the road signs were very confusing. After we got thru Quebec we were not tired so decided to drive a bit longer...well when we WERE tired, all the campgrounds were closed for the night and there were not hotels on the we fin all pulled into a rest area with the trucks about 1130 east of Quebec in the middle of nowhere..Tom deceided to sleep in the front seat and Maryann made her a place in the back to was like sleeping in a cocoon for Maryann as she had the luggage etc around her..but we both managed to sleep for 8 hours!!! Thank goodness for the nice bathrooms at the roadside rest and very hot water!!!! Yesterday we traveled the river valley scenic drive in New Brunswick.Yesterday we stopped and walked a few times and then stopped in Grand Falls New Brunswick and took a pontoon boat into a gorge. It was a beautiful day and just perfect to be on the water. We then drove to Miramichi through the Miramichi river route in New Brunswick. The country side has lots of lakes and rivers and just so peaceful. We stayed at a campground last evening ...nice hot showers..we took a shower before bed and again this AM. We had forgotten that there was another time change until we checked our cell phones so quickly found a campground before they closed!!! We woke late this AM and walked around Miramichi waterfront and found a nice hotel restaurant for breakfast. We then walked around the town before we headed down the Acadian Coast. The road followed the Atlantic Ocean and went thru more beautiful country. Someone asked Us today what was our favorite place so far..we could not think of just one as each day brings more beauty and memorial places. We stopped today and took a mile walk at an ECO Centra at La Dune de Bouctouche which is a boardwalk built on a stretch of white sand dunes. It was a bit windy today but still a refreshing walk. We were on our way to Prince Edward Island..just about to go over the bridge when we stopped at an information stop and it was 62 degrees and windy and we checked on what the temps were to be like for the next couple days and found that rain and we decided to come to Nova Scotia and head for Newfoundland and then visit Prince Edward Island on the way back.
What blessed safe days we have had. Tom is a wonder at driving. It is nice just to be together...even after all these days. We are looking at a beautiful blue and deep pink sky out our hotel window.
We wake each morning and decide what and where we will go.
We also want to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for Carrie and is nearly a miracle but when Carrie called on yesterday she said that Buddi's Blood count is in the high 30's now and he has started to want to eat on his own again...He is still weak but is starting to wag his tail and do some low pitched barking and follow Carrie around. Carrie never gave up on him...even when all seemed so serious...What a good Mom she is to Buddi. Not sure wht the future brings for Buddi but for now we are just so excited he is getting back to routine.. His doctor had started decreasing his medications and he is transitioning back to dog food vs people that could take some time!!! Maryann had told Carrie to give him a piece of Chocolate when he was soo sick but she only relented when all looked grimm and gave him a small piece of white chocolate....that may have made his red blood cell count increase...hmmm NOT!!!
Tom is amazing to be able to drive for so long. Maryann keeps offering to drive and guess what...Maryann actually drove for 3 hours continuous after we left Winnipeg....Tom actually took a short nap too and was amazed that we were still on the road when he woke Maryann will usually just pull over when he falls asleep!!! Maryann had never driven so long on a trip so was amazed how neat it was to have cruise control...and even mastered how to use it!!!
We have found that Canada has the absolute best tourist information centers...unbelievable staff and knowledge and exactly the right handout information. They are so clean and have WIFI and the cleanest rest rooms. Their roadside rest areas are also very clean and well kept.
There is a tourist center in nearly every town or area of interest..and before you enter and leave each providence. Free maps etc too!
Yes, we do miss our girls!
So, tomorrow starts another adventure. We have visited some beautifull churches and a shrine to the Lady of Fatima was unique. We take the time to thank God for all our blessings and ask for blessings for all those we love and have special needs.
We do not live by the calendar or the clock for this feels good.
Do miss talking with you all and keep you in our thoughts.
We think we will be in Nova Scotia for a couple days and head to Newfoundland for another few days before we head back to Prince Edward Island for at least 4 days before we head back through New Brunswick by way of the Fundy Southern Coast and down into Plymouth to visit with Pete and Linda for a few days. Our trip has been made so special by being able to spend time with friends and family on the way.
We love and think of you all.
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers for safe travels...we have now put close to 7-8 thousand miles on the Lexus on this trip!!!
Love and hugs to each of you.
God Bless
Tom and Maryann

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